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Conditional Layouts based on Parameter

I would like my .razor page to have the Default Layout (MainLayout) unless the LayoutType parameter is == "Tab" I am always getting the TabLayout. The default layout is MainLayout.

@page "/WasteNum/{LayoutType}"

@if (LayoutType == "Tab")
    @layout TabLayout 

@code {
    public string LayoutType { get; set; } = "Main";


  • You could implement logic to use layout dynamically in App.razor 's "Router".Based on your needs you could modify App.razor as following

    @inject NavigationManager _navigationManager
    <Router ...
            <RouteView RouteData="@routeData" DefaultLayout="GetLayoutType()" />
            <LayoutView Layout="GetLayoutType()">
    @code {
        private Type GetLayoutType()
            if (_navigationManager.Uri.EndsWith("Tab"))
                return typeof(TabLayout);
                return typeof(MainLayout);