I'm trying to update an Image
control in WPF whenever new image data is fetched. I'm working with 1500x1500 16-bit RAW images (~5MB each), and I'm seeing an update time of around 22ms on average, which seems slow for my use case.
Currently, I'm loading images sequentially on a background task and updating the UI like this:
while (!cancelToken.IsCancellationRequested)
if (imageCounter > 359)
imageCounter = 0;
//_memoryMappedViewAccessor.ReadArray(0, imageData, 0, imageData.Length);
string path = $"{basePath}img{imageCounter++:D4}.raw";
frame = ImageHelper.LoadImageRaw(path, Size, Size);
await Application.Current.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() =>
_writeableBitmap.WritePixels(_rect, frame.Data, locStride, 0);
ImageDisplay = _writeableBitmap;
}, DispatcherPriority.Background, cancelToken);
Reading the data and writing to the WriteableBitmap
takes about 2-3ms, which is expected. However, the entire update takes ~22ms, which suggests the internal redraw of the Image
control is taking around 19ms for this kind of images.
I also used larger images of size 3000x3000. This resulted in a 4x slower speed (~80ms total, 8ms for loading the data), which at least seems plausible based on the relative size. In addition I noticed the image display runs much faster when starting the app with a debugger attached.
Is this performance typical for the WPF Image control with large images? Or am I doing something wrong in my approach (especially because attaching a debugger seems to speed up the image drawing which is strange) that could be optimized for faster updates?
I did not find a solution to update the 'Image' control faster. Instead im now using a OpenGL window thats embedded into a control, load the image as a texture and render it on a screen-filling quad. This works much better even with bigger image sizes.