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VBA Increment string within For Loop

I'm trying to break up a textbox string (serial number) and start with the initial textbox value then increment it by 1 within a For Loop. I cannot figure out how to start with the first string in the textbox THEN increment it up by 1 until the loop ends.

For i = j To countForms
        If incSerialCheck = True Then 'Checkbox on userform to increment entered serial number
                serialNum = serialNumber.Value
                lastThree = Right(serialNum, 3)
                LastThreeInt = CInt(lastThree)
                LastThreePlusOne = LastThreeInt + 1
                LastThreePlusOneStr = CStr(LastThreePlusOne)
                NewSerialNumStr = Left(serialNum, Len(serialNum) - 3) & LastThreePlusOneStr
            NewSerialNumStr = serialNumber.Value
        End If
Next i 


  • Increment Trailing Digits

    • First run the code as is.
    • Familiarize yourself with the code by modifying the String serial number (SerialString) and the Boolean flag (IncrementSerial) as you see fit.
    • If the result is satisfactory, apply to your code. Either way, leave a comment.
    Sub IncrementTrailingDigits()
        Const RIGHT_DIGITS As Long = 3
        ' Retrieve the values from the user form.
        Dim SerialString As String:
        'SerialString = serialNumber.Value ' more readable is e.g. 'txtSerialNum'
        SerialString = "ABC-123-EFG-001" ' or "123001"
        Dim IncrementSerial As Boolean:
        'IncrementSerial = incSerialCheck.Value ' more readable is e.g. 'chkSerialNum'
        IncrementSerial = True
        ' Determine the right digits format.
        Dim RDFormat As String: RDFormat = String(RIGHT_DIGITS, "0")
        ' Retrieve the left part of the serial string.
        Dim SerialLeft As String:
        SerialLeft = Left(SerialString, Len(SerialString) - RIGHT_DIGITS)
        ' Loop.
        Dim i As Long, DigitString As String, IsFirstSerialFound As Boolean
        For i = 1 To 5
            If IncrementSerial Then
                If IsFirstSerialFound Then ' it's not the first (the flag is set)
                    ' Retrieve right (trailing) digits.
                    DigitString = Right(SerialString, RIGHT_DIGITS)
                    ' Increment right digits.  
                    DigitString = Format(CLng(DigitString) + 1, RDFormat)
                    ' Rebuild serial number.
                    SerialString = SerialLeft & DigitString
                Else ' it's the first; just set the flag (to 'True')
                    IsFirstSerialFound = True
                End If
            'Else ' check box is 'False', do nothing
            End If
            MsgBox SerialString
        Next i
    End Sub