I use ASP.NET with MVC.
In my controller I make a query and send it to my view. This works without any problems.
invoices = invoices.OrderBy(m => m.Datum).ThenBy(m => m.Rechnungsnummer);
return View(await invoices.ToListAsync());
I now also want to check in the controller before I call the view whether one or more data records were found. If only one record was found, I would like to read one value from this dataset and use it in the controller for further queries.
When debugging the application I see that actually only one record was found.
invoices --> Ergebnisansicht --> [0]
There I have also my desired field "orderId".
Is it possible to read this value and write it into a variable?
Thanks for your input.
It put me on the right track.
Found the right solution for me.
if (invoices.Count() == 1)
qry_order = (int)invoices.FirstOrDefault().orderId;