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Can not convert a generic struct type to a generic interface type in golang

Given there's a generic interface:

type Packet interface {
    Content() int

type Recycler[T any] interface {
    Get() *T

and their implementation:

type packet struct {
    content int

type BaseRecycler[T any] struct {
    t T

its impossible to convert the implementation to the interface:

    r := &BaseRecycler[packet]{}
    r1 := r.(Recycler[Packet]) 
        fmt.Println(r3.Get().Content()) // compile error: Unresolved reference 'Content'

here is a live code example:

The error is because the Packet interface align with the *packet instead of packet. Could anyone suggest how to handle this?


  • You are assuming covariance in type parameters, which Go does not have - types must match exactly. You would need variance annotations like Kotlins in and out or Javas wildcards for that.

    As the FAQ states:

    In Go method types must match exactly, [...]. Programmers who want covariant result types are often trying to express a type hierarchy through interfaces. In Go it’s more natural to have a clean separation between interface and implementation.

    To be a little more concrete, you could implement your packet like (Go Playground):

    type packet struct {
        content int
    func (p packet) Content() int {
        return p.content

    and then an interface abstracting that:

    type Packet interface {
        Content() int

    Also the BaseRecycler:

    type BaseRecycler[T any] struct {
        t T
    func (b BaseRecycler[T]) Get() T {
        return b.t

    and an abstraction thereof:

    type Recycler[T any] interface {
        Get() T

    Note some simplifications: The methods don't have pointer receivers (they serve no purpose in this example) and BaseRecycler does return a type, not an address.

    Now you can simply use that:

        var r Recycler[Packet] = BaseRecycler[Packet]{t: packet{}}

    Also, you could define a PacketRecycler which has a concrete packet type and is not generic:

    type PacketRecycler struct {
        t packet
    func (p PacketRecycler) Get() Packet {
        return p.t

    and use it in an identical fashion:

        var r1 Recycler[Packet] = PacketRecycler{}