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Does one need one repository per docker image?

When pushing to Docker Hub, the format of the tag is <username>/<repository>:<tag>. To my knowledge, repository can be understood as the image name (e.g. my application name) and tag as the version

So, if I want to push two different images (not just different versions, but different applications) does that in turn mean that I would need two repositories? So the Docker Hub free plan with only one free private registry would only be sufficient for one docker application image?


  • One does not need a separate repository per docker image.

    You can hack your way around the limitation—which you have correctly identified—by using the same repository name, but a different tag name, for each image.

    Simply embed the image name and the version name into the tag.


    You will lose some of the functionality provided by Docker Hub. (This is also true if you're using the AWS Docker registry). Whether it's worth it to spend N times the money to get those features back is up to you.