I have a SoIndexedFaceSet object rendered in 3D window, and a SoEventCallback is also added. I can get that SoIndexedFaceSet node object from event callback when it's clicked. Is it possible to get which face is clicked? I do some research about that event, but no found. Is it possible to do that? if yes, how to do that? If no, any suggestions about how to implement ?
Yes, this is possible and is a classic Open Inventor pattern. Short answer: Query the SoFaceDetail, then query the face index. Example below. Note that I omitted a lot of related code you probably already have, like getting the pick path and picked node.
void onMouseEvent(void* data, SoEventCallback* node)
. . .
auto pick = node->getPickedPoint();
if (pick != nullptr) {
auto faceDetail = dynamic_cast<const SoFaceDetail*>(pick->getDetail());
if (faceDetail != nullptr) {
int faceIndex = faceDetail->getFaceIndex();