I am working with a third party for sending SMS messages. The information is sent to them via HTTPS, in a SOAP envelope.
In case the text contains Unicode characters, the DataCoding needs to be set to 2 (which is Unicode) and the text, from what I understand, needs to be sent in a certain format. This format is a NCR (numeric character reference) in hexadecimal with the "&#xHHHH;" format for each unicode character.
I am not very familiar with SOAP and this format, how can that conversion be done on a string containing both Ascii and Unicode characters?
The following might solve your encoding task:
using System;
using System.Text;
public class Test
public static void Main()
string encoded =
ncrEncode("My string with äöüÄÖÜß");
public static string ncrEncode(string s)
StringBuilder sb = new();
foreach(char c in s)
uint u = (uint)c;
if (u > 127)
return sb.ToString();
public static string ncrEncodeLinq(string s)
return string.Join("",
s.Select(c => (uint)c < 128 ? $"{c}" : $"&#x{(uint)c:X4}"));
The string to be encoded is looped through character by character. Characters with codes bigger than 127 are appended as hex string.
For the fun of it, I have sequeezed the function into a one-liner.