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Conda cannot find a specific package (Dedalus) in conda-forge that is explicitly listed on conda-forge and active

The package in question is the Dedalus spectral CFD library, here. For posterity I'll also link the project homepage.

When I run conda search --channel conda-forge dedalus or variations with options I cannot find the dedalus package. This isn't a general issue with conda because I can find all default channels packages and every other conda-forge package I tested (most recently related libraries like fipy or gmsh, or general stuff like mamba).

To be absolutely precise, this is what the terminal might look like on my end.

 C:\Users\FirstName LastName>conda search --override-channels --channel conda-forge dedalus
Loading channels: done
No match found for: dedalus. Search: *dedalus*

PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:

  - dedalus

Current channels:


To search for alternate channels that may provide the conda package you're
looking for, navigate to

and use the search bar at the top of the page.

I note that pip can locate the associated pypi project, but dedalus is very much a full-stack affair and so is best installed as a conda environment.

I note also that my version of conda is 23.7.4.

I note lastly that when I look for dedalus on an HPC server I SSH'd into I can find it, as one would hope. The server's version of conda is 4.8.3. I'm not sure why there's such a wide version difference, suggesting that maybe I'm on some deprecated system, but my listed build version is newer (3.26.1 vs 3.18.11).

I would appreciate any assistance in troubleshooting this problem. I'm at a complete loss as to what my next steps should be.


  • Its not available on win64, check the OS tags, which only include

    • linux-64
    • osx-64
    • osx-arm64

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