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Azure Blob Storage (REST API): Cannot list blobs in container with curl using SAS token

I have been playing around with using the Azure Blob storage REST API for a few days now.

I can connect to the resource, list containers and also generate SAS tokens for any given container with no problems.

However, I am now having problems when trying to list the blobs within a container using the SAS token I have generated for the container.

With my generated SAS token I have tried the following curl command (taken from

curl -X GET ""

Where is the blobServiceUri, 90480397-91234697-218-test-dir01 is the container name and ?sv=2019-02-02&sr=c&sig=QlSozpknsTcR4frUK08%2FrcGaUGY893GzFN1Lyhl74Ao%3D&se=2024-10-24T07%3A50%3A11Z&sp=racwdl is the SAS token I have generated for the container in a previous step.

When running the curl command I get the following error message:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Message>Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature.
    <AuthenticationErrorDetail>Signature fields not well formed.</AuthenticationErrorDetail>

I assume the problem is related to the way I am specifying the SAS token in the curl command, but from the documentation on the previously mentioned website ( I cannot see how to specify the SAS token correctly, if, indeed, this is the problem with my curl command.

I have also tried the following commands:

curl -X GET "" -H "x-ms-version: 2025-01-05" -H "x-ms-date: Thu, 24 oct. 2024 08:29:07 GMT" -H "Authorization: ?sv=2019-02-02&sr=c&sig=QlSozpknsTcR4frUK08%2FrcGaUGY893GzFN1Lyhl74Ao%3D&se=2024-10-24T07%3A50%3A11Z&sp=racwdl"

curl -X GET "" -H "x-ms-version: 2025-01-05" -H "x-ms-date: Thu, 24 oct. 2024 08:29:07 GMT" -H "Authorization: credential=?sv=2019-02-02&sr=c&sig=QlSozpknsTcR4frUK08%2FrcGaUGY893GzFN1Lyhl74Ao%3D&se=2024-10-24T07%3A50%3A11Z&sp=racwdl"

curl -X GET "" -H "x-ms-version: 2025-01-05" -H "x-ms-date: Thu, 24 oct. 2024 08:29:07 GMT" -H "Authorization: credentials=?sv=2019-02-02&sr=c&sig=QlSozpknsTcR4frUK08%2FrcGaUGY893GzFN1Lyhl74Ao%3D&se=2024-10-24T07%3A50%3A11Z&sp=racwdl"

curl -X GET "" -H "x-ms-version: 2025-01-05" -H "x-ms-date: Thu, 24 oct. 2024 08:29:07 GMT" -H "Authorization: token ?sv=2019-02-02&sr=c&sig=QlSozpknsTcR4frUK08%2FrcGaUGY893GzFN1Lyhl74Ao%3D&se=2024-10-24T07%3A50%3A11Z&sp=racwdl"

These all give the error:

    <Message>Authentication information is not given in the correct format. Check the value of Authorization header.


  • Cannot list blobs in container with curl using SAS token.

    I followed the same MS-Document,

    I generate sas token from the portal.


    enter image description here

    Now, You can use the below request format to get the list of blobs using cURL.


    curl -X GET ""


    enter image description here