Suppose I have entity MyTab which has composite property MyList. WCF generates code fors MyTab for update like:
public void UpdateMyTab(MyTab currentMyTab)
When only composite data changed, MyTab data not changed, then submit changes, I will get error "Value cannot be null.\r\nParameter name: original." because no orginal for MyTab. changeset will have 2 item: MyTab and MyList.
How to resolve this problem?
You should check first the return value of GetOriginal if its null, before callling AttachAsModified. If GetOriginal returns null you should Attach the entity only to the ObjectContext. I don´t tested it but i would update your method to the following.
public void UpdateMyTab(MyTab currentMyTab) {
var original = this.ChangeSet.GetOriginal(currentMyTab);
if (original != null) {
this.ObjectContext.MyTabs.AttachAsModified(currentMyTab, original);
else {