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Passing dataframe column to custom function for both analysis and title

I have a custom function that takes as inputs both a dataframe and a specific column of that dataframe. I'd like to use the column name to auto-generate a title, based on a separate labeller argument. I've figured out a way to make it work by using colnames() to isolate the column variable and turn its name into a string, but is there a more efficient way to do this? I am trying to learn how to set up NSE functions properly, but keep running against the limits of my understanding.

Here is a reproducible example:


#sample data

#labels for title generation
fancylabs <- as_labeller(c('awake' = "Awake", 
                        'sleep_rem' = "REM"))

#function to plot two columns and generate a title based on y
quickplot <- function(df, x, y){
  #use colnames to convert y to a string - IS THERE A LESS CLUNKY WAY TO DO THIS?
  yStr <- df %>% select({{y}}) %>% colnames()
  #plot and use labeller to convert string to fancy label
  df %>% 
    ggplot(aes({{x}}, {{y}})) +
    geom_point() +
    labs(title=paste0("Total Sleep Time vs. ", fancylabs(yStr), " Time"))

quickplot(df=msleep, x=sleep_total, y=awake)


  • As I understand your function is to make titles for graphs, I can offer you my idea.

    I have created a function that converts the variable name to spelling text, it works only for logically named variables, as in most test databases in R, but it can also be modernized

    # Sample data
    #Function to rename the variables
    rename_variable <- function(var_name) {
      var_name <- gsub("_", " ", var_name)  # Replace underscores with spaces
      var_name <- tools::toTitleCase(var_name)  # Change the first letter to a capital letter
    quickplot <- function(df, x, y) {
      # Get the names of x and y columns
      x_name <- deparse(substitute(x))
      y_name <- deparse(substitute(y))
      #Rename the variables
      x_title  <- rename_variable(x_name)
      y_title  <- rename_variable(y_name)
      df %>%
        ggplot(aes({{x}}, {{y}})) +
        geom_point() +
        labs(title = paste0(x_title, " vs ", y_title))
    # Example usage
    quickplot(df = msleep, x = sleep_total, y = awake)

    You can also add two more parameters x_name and y_name to your function so that the user can enter the name itself, and if they ignore them when entering the function, the rename_variable function will be used