Search code examples

How to add a subscription product to the cart?

I’m trying to set up the Appstle Subscription plugin for Shopify, but I can’t figure out how to add a subscription product to the cart. Regular products get added, but the subscription doesn’t. It’s a simple subscription, without any variations or time intervals. Here is the code with subscription and regular product:

{% assign subscriptions = collection.products | sort: 'created_at' | where: 'type', 'Subscription' %}
{% assign products = collection.products | sort: 'created_at' %}

<div class="container">
  <div class="shop-catalog__row">
    {% if subscriptions != blank %}
      <ul class="list-reset shop-catalog__products">
        {% for product in subscriptions %}
          <li class="product flex">
            <div class="product__info">
              <h3 class="product__title">{{ product.title }}</h3>
              <div class="product__description">
                {{ product.metafields.custom.text_in_card_on_catalog_page | metafield_tag }}
              <div class="product__actions flex">

              <!-- subscription -->
              <form method="post" action="/cart/add">
                {% if product.available %}
                <input name="id" value="{{ }}" type="hidden" />
                <button class="btn-reset button button-buy">BUY NOW</button>
                {% endif %}

              <a href="/products/{{ product.handle }}" class="btn-reset button">DISCOVER MORE</a>
            {% if product.featured_image != blank %}
              <div class="product__img">
                {{ product.featured_image | image_url: width: 810 | image_tag }}
            {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if products != blank %}
      <ul class="list-reset shop-catalog__products">
        {% for product in products %}
          {% if product.type != 'Subscription' %}
            <li class="product flex">
              {% if product.featured_image != blank %}
                <div class="product__img">
                  {{ product.featured_image | image_url: width: 810 | image_tag }}
              {% endif %}
              <div class="product__info">
                <h3 class="product__title">{{ product.title }}</h3>
                <div class="product__description">
                  {{ product.metafields.custom.text_in_card_on_catalog_page | metafield_tag }}
                <div class="product__actions flex">
                  <form method="post" action="/cart/add">
                      value="{{ }}"
                      type="hidden" />
                    <button class="btn-reset button button-buy">BUY NOW</button>
                  <a href="/products/{{ product.handle }}" class="btn-reset button">DISCOVER MORE</a>
          {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}

{% schema %}
    "name": "Catalog",
    "tag": "section",
    "class": "shop-catalog",
    "disabled_on": {
      "groups": ["header", "footer"]
    "settings": [],
    "presets": [
        "name": "Catalog"
{% endschema %}

I added a subscription product using the Appstle Subscription plugin to the cart form in my Shopify store. I expected the subscription product to be added to the cart just like a regular product, but instead, it doesn’t get added, while regular products do.


  • The subscription is not working because subscription products need as minimum requirement product id and selling plan id, Just add this extra input:

              <!-- subscription -->
              <form method="post" action="/cart/add">
                {% if product.available %}
                <input name="id" value="{{ }}" type="hidden" />
                <input name="selling_plan" value="{{ }}" type="hidden" />
                <button class="btn-reset button button-buy">BUY NOW</button>
                {% endif %}

    For more information about the object subscriptions see the shopify docs here

    This code will works well on a product without variants and with a single subscription plan.