Since some days Indy TIdSMTP can no longer send email from my program from a Hotmail account throwing the error Authentication unsuccessful Basic authentication is disabled.
I activated two-step verification and generated an app password replacing the old password in code without changing any other setting used before but the same error.
I use for host/port config and the following code :
SMTP.Username := cbxFrom.Text;
SMTP.Password := pwd;
SMTP.Host := '';
SMTP.Port := 587;
It fails on :
Same problem with TIdImap4.
Any example of how to send or receive to/from Hotmail using two-step and app password?
As of September 16th 2024, you have to now use OAuth2 authentication with Microsoft.
You can take a look at Geoff Smith's code which uses SMTP with XOAUTH2:
It means that it can be integrated with existing Indy code, but yeah.. there are also REST APIs.