how to add type annotations dunder method params
class Car :
def __init__(self,name:str,horse_power:int,fav:bool) -> None: = name
self.horse_power = horse_power
self.fav = fav
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"Car Name {} HorsePower {self.horse_power} Fav {self.fav}"
def __add__(self,other) :
print(f"helo {} {}")
In add dunder method when i tries to specify type for other param
def __add__(self,other:Car) :
print(f"helo {} {}")
In VScode i am getting error
"Car" is not definedPylancereportUndefinedVariable (function) Car: Unknown
You can reference the same class using quotation marks:
def __add__(self, other: 'Car') :
print(f"helo {} {}")
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