I can long-format my DATA
using: tidyr::pivot_longer(DATA, m:y, values_to= "z", names_to= "variable")
which produces the elongated variable
in my Desired_output
But I wonder how I can get variable m
to show the way shown in my Desired_output
below such that for each unique id
, variable m
is once shown for variable=="y"
, and once again repeated for variable=="m"
in tidyverse?
# A solution using reshape2 package is:
stacked <- reshape2::melt(DATA, id.vars = c("id", "x", "m"),
measure.vars = c("y", "m"), value.name = "z")
Desired_output <- within(stacked, {
sy <- as.integer(variable == "y")
sm <- as.integer(variable == "m")
DATA <- read.csv("https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/stat/data/ml_sim.csv")
## id x m y
## 1 1 1.5451 0.1068 0.568
## 2 1 2.2753 2.1104 1.206
. . .
## fid id x m variable z sm sy
## 1 1 1 1.5451 0.1068 y 0.5678 0 1
## 2 2 1 2.2753 2.1104 y 1.2061 0 1
## 3 3 1 0.7867 0.0389 y -0.2613 0 1
## 4 4 1 -0.0619 0.4794 y -0.7590 0 1
## 5 5 1 0.1173 0.5908 y 0.5191 0 1
## 6 6 1 1.4809 0.8909 y -0.6311 0 1
## 7 7 1 0.8928 -0.2277 y 0.1521 0 1
## 8 8 1 0.9246 0.7292 y 0.2346 0 1
## 801 1 1 1.5451 0.1068 m 0.1068 1 0
## 802 2 1 2.2753 2.1104 m 2.1104 1 0
## 803 3 1 0.7867 0.0389 m 0.0389 1 0
## 804 4 1 -0.0619 0.4794 m 0.4794 1 0
## 805 5 1 0.1173 0.5908 m 0.5908 1 0
## 806 6 1 1.4809 0.8909 m 0.8909 1 0
## 807 7 1 0.8928 -0.2277 m -0.2277 1 0
## 808 8 1 0.9246 0.7292 m 0.7292 1 0
. . .
DATA %>%
mutate(m1=m, fid=row_number(), .by = id) %>%
pivot_longer(y:m1, values_to = 'z', names_to = 'variable',
names_transform = ~str_remove(., '1')) %>%
mutate(sm= +(variable == 'm'), sy=+(variable == 'y')) %>%
arrange(id, desc(variable))
# A tibble: 1,600 × 8
id x m fid variable z sm sy
<int> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <chr> <dbl> <int> <int>
1 1 1.55 0.107 1 y 0.568 0 1
2 1 2.28 2.11 2 y 1.21 0 1
3 1 0.787 0.0389 3 y -0.261 0 1
4 1 -0.0619 0.479 4 y -0.759 0 1
5 1 0.117 0.591 5 y 0.519 0 1
6 1 1.48 0.891 6 y -0.631 0 1
7 1 0.893 -0.228 7 y 0.152 0 1
8 1 0.925 0.729 8 y 0.235 0 1
9 1 1.55 0.107 1 m 0.107 1 0
10 1 2.28 2.11 2 m 2.11 1 0