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Passing object values between modules in Outlook VBA

I have 6 mailboxes configured in Outlook (x64 365 v 2411), 2x Exchange and 4x MAPI. If is clicked on New Email in the Outlook ribbon, a form is dieplayed where the user can shoose for a Dutch or English message. By default the sender is based on the current selected mailbox in Outlook.

Currently in ThisOutlookSession:

Option Explicit
Private WithEvents objInsp As Outlook.Inspectors
Public objMailItem As Outlook.MailItem

Private Sub objInsp_NewInspector(ByVal Inspector As Inspector)
    If TypeName(Inspector.CurrentItem) = "MailItem" Then
        Set objMailItem = Inspector.CurrentItem
        Load frmNewEmail
        With frmNewEmail
            .StartUpPosition = 2
            .Show False
        End With
    End If
End Sub

So far no issues, the form is displayed when New Email is clicked. However, after btnEnglish is clicked:

Option Explicit

Private Sub btnEnglish_Click()
    Call MyNewMessage(2)
    Unload Me
End Sub

The expected behavior is that objMailItem still holds the value when the next procedure is started in Modules > MyFunctions:

Option Explicit
Public objMailItem As Outlook.MailItem

Public Sub MyNewMessage(lngLangID As Long)
    Dim objMsg As Object
    Dim strSigID As String

    AddTable objMailItem

    strSigID = GetSignatureID(objMailItem, lngLangID)

    VerifySignature objMailItem, strSigID

    With objMailItem
        .Subject = "[Case No. 000000] "
    End With

    Unload frmNewEmail
    Set objMailItem = Nothing
End Sub

Here I notice that objMailItem does not have a value any longer. I tried to use objMailItem as form tag and pass it from there, but also there objMailItem has no value. Trying for hours with alternative options did not help.

How can I maintain the value of objMailItem and pass it on to procedures in other forms and modules?



  • You can avoid the global variable and pass the mail item directly to your userform:

    Option Explicit
    Private WithEvents objInsp As Outlook.Inspectors
    Private Sub objInsp_NewInspector(ByVal Inspector As Inspector)
        Dim frm As frmNewEmail, msg As Outlook.MailItem
        If TypeName(Inspector.CurrentItem) = "MailItem" Then
            Set frm = New frmNewEmail 'avoid using the default instance...
            With frm
                Set .Message = Inspector.CurrentItem 'pass message directly to userform
                .StartUpPosition = 2
                .Show False
            End With
        End If
    End Sub

    Add a Message Property to your userform:

    Option Explicit
    Private m_msg As Outlook.MailItem
    Private Sub btnEnglish_Click()
        MyNewMessage m_msg, 2 'use of Call is deprecated
        Unload Me
    End Sub
    'called from the code launching the form
    Property Set Message(v As Outlook.MailItem)
        Set m_msg = v
    End Property

    Edit MyNewMessage to add the message reference as a parameter:

    Public Sub MyNewMessage(msg As Outlook.MailItem, lngLangID As Long)
        'work with msg and lngLangID 
    End Sub