My makefile looks something like this:
BAR_OBJECT_FILES := $(OBJDIR)/Bar.cpp.o $(OBJDIR)Bar.c.o
# Rules for making a static library out of Foo's object files go here.
# This uses the exact same command sequence as the previous rule.
# Ditto.
# ...
When (not if) more targets are added to the project, the developer will have to update at least three things:
Is there a way to simplify this process, or am I stuck with it?
I tried using wildcard rules, but it doesn't look like they work with macros.
# ...
You could treat the lists of object files as rules, but then the final target rules can't access them directly.
OBJECT_FILES_Bar: $(OBJDIR)/Bar.cpp.o $(OBJDIR)Bar.c.o
# This rule can't see into the object file lists to use them to build.
Is there no better way?
There are probably plenty of ways to do this. One such way is the following. All that needs to be done for a new target is add its name to the list of modules, and give the list of dependencies for it.
BINDIR := bin OBJDIR := obj MODULES := Foo Bar Foo_OBJS := $(OBJDIR)/Foo.cpp.o Bar_OBJS := $(OBJDIR)/Bar.cpp.o $(OBJDIR)/Bar.c.o ##################################################### # # # Nothing below here should need to be altered. # # # ##################################################### All_OBJS := $(foreach mod, $(MODULES),$($(mod)_OBJS)) define rule $(BINDIR)/$(1).a: $($(1)_OBJS) @echo @echo 'Target: $$@' @echo 'Deps : $$^' endef $(foreach lib, All $(MODULES), $(eval $(call rule,$(lib)))) ########################################### # # # The next part is just here for testing. # # # ########################################### .PHONY: all all: $(foreach lib, All $(MODULES),$(BINDIR)/$(lib).a) %.o: @echo Making $@