we are try to connect biometric device using websockets , it works fine in asp.net. we use same class library in mvc not working getting we 'Invalid session ID. The session may have been already closed.
DeviceLoginManager Class:
public static OnlineDevice[] GetOnlineDevices() //error
List<OnlineDevice> online = new List<OnlineDevice>();
foreach(Guid guid in SessionRegistry.GetKeys())
if (SessionRegistry.GetSession(guid).loggedIn)
online.Add(new OnlineDevice { session = SessionRegistry.GetSession(guid) });
const int KeepAliveTimeout = 10 * 60 * 1000;
SBWebSocketHandler aSession = SessionRegistry.GetSession(guid);
if (aSession.keepAliveMsgSupported &&
aSession.keepAliveRecvedTime < Environment.TickCount - KeepAliveTimeout)
return online.ToArray();
SessionRegistry Class
internal static object _monitor = new object(); internal static Dictionary<Guid, SBWebSocketHandler> _sessions = new Dictionary<Guid, SBWebSocketHandler>(); private static RandomNumberGenerator _random = RandomNumberGenerator.Create(); /// <summary> /// Retrieves an open session from its ID. /// </summary> /// <param name="guid">Session ID</param> /// <returns>A session object if matching ID was found; otherwise null</returns> public static SBWebSocketHandler GetSession(Guid guid) { lock (_monitor) { SBWebSocketHandler result; if (_sessions.TryGetValue(guid, out result)) return result; else { // return null; throw new WebDeviceException("Invalid session ID. The session may have been already closed."); } } } internal static Guid AddSession(SBWebSocketHandler handler) { lock (_monitor) { byte[] guidBytes = new byte[16]; Guid guid; do { _random.GetBytes(guidBytes); guid = new Guid(guidBytes); } while (_sessions.ContainsKey(guid)); _sessions.Add(guid, handler); return guid; } } public static Dictionary<Guid, SBWebSocketHandler>.KeyCollection GetKeys() { lock (_monitor) { return _sessions.Keys; } }
SBWebSocketHandler Class:
private IDeviceLoginManager _loginManager; public Guid SessionId { get { return m_guid; } }
public override void OnOpen() {
_loginManager = (IDeviceLoginManager)
.GetConstructor(new Type[0])
.Invoke(new object[0]);
m_guid = SessionRegistry.AddSession(this);
registerMsgRecved = false;
loggedIn = false;
keepAliveMsgSupported = false;
Add GenericHandler.ashx in your project