After upgrading Gradle from 7.4 to 8.5, these libraries can't be resolved. It works fine on 7.4. What could be causing the issue?"
JCenter discontinued distributing artifacts a couple of months ago.
has not been updated in 8 years, and it presumably was only distributed via
was only distributed on JCenter, and it was replaced by 1.2.1
3 years ago (distributed by Google's own Maven)com.amulyakhare:com.amulyakhare.textdrawable
has not been updated in 10 years, and presumably it was only distributed via JCentercom.github.barteksc:android-pdf-viewer
has not been updated in 7 years, and presumably it was only distributed via JCenterThe reason this is coming to a head now is because of JCenter's shutdown and your Gradle cache presumably being cleared.
FWIW, I wrote more about this situation in my blog.