I am trying to generate a valid OpenApiDocument
using NSwag but fail when it comes to generate schemas the way they should be. I am currently adding schemas for my types globally like this:
var type = ...; // e.g. List<User>
var settings = new SystemTextJsonSchemaGeneratorSettings()
SchemaType = SchemaType.OpenApi3,
var schema = JsonSchema.FromType(type, settings);
document.Components.Schemas.Add(key, schema);
This produces
"components": {
"schemas": {
"ListOfUser": {
"title": "ListOfUser",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/components/schemas/ListOfUser/definitions/User"
"definitions": {
"User": {
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"properties": {
"ID": {
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"Name": {
"type": "string"
Swagger Editor fails to validate this definition because
Structural error at components.schemas.ListOfUser
should NOT have additional properties
additionalProperty: definitions
Jump to line 30
As far as I understand the specc there should be two entries, one for the list and one for the type itself, but I fail to see how to generate this with NSwag.
Do I need to create the two entries myself and manually adjust the list entry to make this work?
You can use the OpenApiSchemaResolver
that will act as a registry to find already registered schemas:
var settings = new NewtonsoftJsonSchemaGeneratorSettings()
SchemaType = SchemaType.OpenApi3,
AllowReferencesWithProperties = true
var generator = new JsonSchemaGenerator(settings);
var resolver = new OpenApiSchemaResolver(document, settings);
var schema = generator.GenerateWithReferenceAndNullability<JsonSchema>(type.ToContextualType(), false, resolver);
This will also generate a different style of schema definitions:
"components": {
"schemas": {
"User": {
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"properties": {
"ID": {
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"Name": {
"type": "string"