I need to insert a Date Field into an SQLite Database.
I am using Kotlin and I chose LocalDate class to handle Date.
I've created a class which has a field LocalDate:
data class Pillola(..., val startDay: LocalDate = LocalDate.now())
Then I've tried to put
data into the db using ContentValues
as below:
val values = ContentValues().apply{
put(COLUMN_START_DAY, pillola.startDay)
But I get error:
How can I fix or what other way can I use?
You can use the LocalDate.toString()
It will store the date in a ISO-8601 format as mentioned in the documentation
In your exemple, it will be the following
val values = ContentValues().apply{
put(COLUMN_START_DAY, pillola.startDay.toString())
ContentValues cannot have other types as mentioned in your error (Boolean, Byte, ByteArray, Double, Float, Int, Long, Short, String)
When retrieving the string from your database you can simply use
to instantiate the string back to the LocalDate.
Assuming you are using the Android ORM Room
If you have an entity having a LocalDate
@Entity(tableName = "my_entity")
data class MyEntity(
val date: LocalDate
You can use a LocalDate only if you registered a Converter that will automatically store it as a string and retrieving it as a LocalDate
class LocalDateConverter {
fun localDateToString(localDate: LocalDate): String = localDate.toString()
fun stringToDateTime(localDate: String): LocalDate = LocalDate.parse(localDate)
Don't forget to register the convert using the @TypeConverters
abstract class MyDatabase : RoomDatabase()