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Best options for timer in Azure

We have a requirement to create a timer per request.

It will be based on Azure PaaS.

Basically, we have a function that receives requests, each request contains an unique identifier and its status of our systems.

Say we have system process statuses A - B - C and D.

And it takes 2 minutes for a request to move from A - D.

We want to ensure a request is not stuck in between A - D.

When the status A of the request is received in the function app, we need to create a timer with 3 mins, if D status doesn't come to the function app for the same unique identifier within 3 mins, the timer will get fired and then send an alert to someone.

Now if D status arrives within 3 minutes, we just kill the timer.

We will get around 50,000 distinctive requests per day. So we need to create timers and kill timers or timers get triggered a bit.

How best achieve this in Azure?

The first option we think is function app timer.

The second option we think is EventGrid timeout (dead-letter). But an issue for this option seems not being able to kill messages within EventGrid, unless when EventGrid sends messages to dead-letter queue, we intercept and ignore.

Anyone has any ideas please?

Concurrency and scalability are important aspects for this requirement too.

Thank you in advance,


  • I think you might want to look into durable functions

    You either chain your Functions or just wait for the event (status feedback) and if this not arrives, go into a timeout. Can look like this:

    context.WaitForExternalEvent<bool>("FuncAProcessCompleted", timespan.FromMinutes(3));

    If you don't want to adapt durable, have a look at scheduled messages

    Basically you could schedule a message and then cancle it, when the status arrives. If it not arrives, the message will be activated and you can react on it with another function.