Search code examples

Create column of current balance in PySpark

I have the below dataframe created in PySpark code:

|     2023-01-01|          100|         Credit|  1000|
|     2023-01-02|          100|         Credit|  1500|
|     2023-01-03|          100|          Debit|  1000|
|     2023-01-02|          200|         Credit|  3500|
|     2023-01-03|          200|          Debit|  2000|
|     2023-01-04|          200|         Credit|  3500|
|     2023-01-13|          300|         Credit|  4000|
|     2023-01-14|          300|          Debit|  4500|
|     2023-01-15|          300|         Credit|  5000|

I need to print another column as CurrentBalance.

Expected output:

|     2023-01-01|          100|         Credit|  1000|          1000|
|     2023-01-02|          100|         Credit|  1500|          2500|
|     2023-01-03|          100|          Debit|  1000|          1500|
|     2023-01-02|          200|         Credit|  3500|          3500|
|     2023-01-03|          200|          Debit|  2000|          1500|
|     2023-01-04|          200|         Credit|  3500|          5000|
|     2023-01-13|          300|         Credit|  4000|          4000|
|     2023-01-14|          300|          Debit|  4500|          -500|
|     2023-01-15|          300|         Credit|  5000|          1000|

I have tried with min date and passing the date in when condition to calculate the credit and debit, but it seems not working.

# Find minimum date in TransactionDate column, grouped by AccountNumber column


  • You will need a window function for this. Window functions do calculations for every row in a partition (group). In this case, you need to sum all the values row-after-row.

    Also, simple sum would not work, as you do not have negative numbers, so you must make them using input from column "TransactionType".

    Example data:

    from pyspark.sql import functions as F, Window as W
    df = spark.createDataFrame(
        [('2023-01-01', '100', 'Credit', 1000),
         ('2023-01-02', '100', 'Credit', 1500),
         ('2023-01-03', '100', 'Debit', 1000),
         ('2023-01-02', '200', 'Credit', 3500),
         ('2023-01-03', '200', 'Debit', 2000),
         ('2023-01-04', '200', 'Credit', 3500),
         ('2023-01-13', '300', 'Credit', 4000),
         ('2023-01-14', '300', 'Debit', 4500),
         ('2023-01-15', '300', 'Credit', 5000)],
        ['TransactionDate', 'AccountNumber', 'TransactionType', 'Amount'])


    sign = F.when(F.col('TransactionType') == 'Debit', -1).otherwise(1)
    amount = sign * F.col('amount')
    window = W.partitionBy('AccountNumber').orderBy('TransactionDate')
    df = df.withColumn('CurrentBalance', F.sum(amount).over(window)) 
    # +---------------+-------------+---------------+------+--------------+
    # |TransactionDate|AccountNumber|TransactionType|Amount|CurrentBalance|
    # +---------------+-------------+---------------+------+--------------+
    # |     2023-01-01|          100|         Credit|  1000|          1000|
    # |     2023-01-02|          100|         Credit|  1500|          2500|
    # |     2023-01-03|          100|          Debit|  1000|          1500|
    # |     2023-01-02|          200|         Credit|  3500|          3500|
    # |     2023-01-03|          200|          Debit|  2000|          1500|
    # |     2023-01-04|          200|         Credit|  3500|          5000|
    # |     2023-01-13|          300|         Credit|  4000|          4000|
    # |     2023-01-14|          300|          Debit|  4500|          -500|
    # |     2023-01-15|          300|         Credit|  5000|          4500|
    # +---------------+-------------+---------------+------+--------------+