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Opening locally running Angular Site on other devices in Network?

I'm running Angular Web Site on my local machine.
I run the command on vs code terminal
ng serve -o

Its automatically bundles my website and open the link http://localhost:4200/
Is there any way, that I can open the same website on my mobile phone as well?

  1. I tried it with a package it works but I need to add a package and manually run it for a site. Secondly it just host files not the bundled Angular Web Site.

  2. Someone referred me this blog post but Its complex and require extra setup.


  • Maybe run it with ng serve --host That will let you load the site outside of localhost. On your mobile device, open a browser and set the url as something like http:://YOUR_SERVER_HOSTNAME:4200. You device and the server should be on the same network or the device should be able to resolve YOUR_SERVER_HOSTNAME.