I am at a complete loss with the syntax to parse a LuaTable. I have a table that follows the following structure:
mission =
["coalition"] =
["blue"] =
["bullseye"] =
["y"] = -378451.53125,
["x"] = -178644.117188,
}, -- end of ["bullseye"]
["country"] =
[1] =
["plane"] =
["group"] =
[1] =
["hiddenOnPlanner"] = false,
["tasks"] = {},
["radioSet"] = false,
["task"] = "AFAC",
["uncontrolled"] = false,
["hiddenOnMFD"] = false,
["taskSelected"] = true,
["route"] =
and I am doing the following in my Winforms C# application (just a button triggering this code to test):
private void button29_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
Lua lua = new Lua();
string s = File.ReadAllText("C:\\Users\\username\\Desktop\\mission");
var res = lua["mission.coalition.blue.country"];
var bluePlanes = lua["mission.coalition.blue.country.1"];
LuaTable tb = (LuaTable)res;
Dictionary<object, object> dict = lua.GetTableDict(tb);
Console.WriteLine("First chunk of code:");
foreach (KeyValuePair<object, object> de in dict)
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", de.Key.ToString(), de.Value.ToString());
tb = (LuaTable)bluePlanes ;
dict = lua.GetTableDict(tb);
Console.WriteLine("Second chunk of code:");
foreach (KeyValuePair<object, object> de in dict)
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", de.Key.ToString(), de.Value.ToString());
The first chunk works but as soon as I stumble upon one of the elements in square brackets without quotes (e.g. [1]
) null is returned. I have checked that manually adding the quotes solves this, but In the Watch view, I can see there are keys and values, just that I cannot index those. Any suggestion?
This is the console output:
First chunk of code:
1 table
Exception thrown: 'System.ArgumentNullException' in NLua.dll
Value cannot be null.
However, the information is shown in the Watch window: [![Watch window screenshot][1]][1]
Additionally, I thought of converting the table to JSON and using a C# class, but I cannot manage to do that from C# (tried using NLua to run a script in Lua that converts the table to JSON, but unsuccessfully, as I did not manage to reference the required Lua libraries)
Edit: adding a minimal structure to show the issue as requested in comments
["coalition"] =
["blue"] =
["country"] =
[1] =
With this minimal structure, I am able to address up to coalition.blue.country, but would not be able to access the contenta under [1] which is the only element without double quotes [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/263XtjsM.png
Unlike Lua, C# is a strongly typed language. So 1
is a number, and "1"
is a string containing the character 1
and they can't be used interchangeably. Your line lua["mission.coalition.blue.country.1"];
is looking for the element with key "1"
- a string key - on "country"
and it can't find it, so you get a null returned.
You will need to split into two steps, one for the string key, the other for the number key. The NLua library transforms integers into the C# long
public void LuaTest()
const string luaData = @"coalition =
[""blue""] =
[""country""] =
[1] =
[""hiddenOnPlanner""] = false,
[""tasks""] = {},
[""radioSet""] = false
Lua lua = new Lua();
var country = lua["coalition.blue.country"] as LuaTable;
if (country is null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Didn't find coalition.blue.country");
var bluePlanes = country[1L] as LuaTable;
if (bluePlanes is null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Didn't find item 1 on country");
var dict = lua.GetTableDict(bluePlanes);
Console.WriteLine("Second chunk of code:");
foreach (KeyValuePair<object, object> de in dict)
Console.WriteLine($"{de.Key} {de.Value}");
You'll notice that I've also added some checks for null. This is good practice: instead of a NullReferenceException
at some point later in the code, you know exactly when something returned null that you were not expecting.
Second chunk of code:
radioSet False
hiddenOnPlanner False
tasks table