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Avalonia.UI ComboBox, no DisplayMemberPath or SelectedValuePath. TemplatedControl

Avalonia.UI ComboBox doesn't have SelectedValuePath & DisplayMemberPath and I'm not skilled enough to implement them. I have experimented with a TemplatedControl as a work-around because I'm using a TemplatedControl anyway and I don't want to have extra Properties on the ViewModel to handle it. What I'm trying to archive is to show the items in the ComboBox by DisplayMember but loading/saving by Id. In this test case by Project.ManagerId. It's working but it would be nice not to have to hard-code the Type in that TemplatedControl code behind, like I do right now with "LookupItem". It should be possible to get around that by setting x:DataType="viewModels:LookupItem" or something. Any ideas?

I have removed most not relevant code.

<Styles xmlns=""
        <controls:ChangeTrackingHeaderComboBox />

    <Style Selector="controls|ChangeTrackingHeaderComboBox">
        <!-- Set Defaults -->
        <Setter Property="Template">
                <ComboBox Items="{TemplateBinding Items, Mode=OneWay}"
                          SelectedItem="{TemplateBinding SelectedItem, Mode=TwoWay}"
                          SelectedIndex="{TemplateBinding SelectedIndex, Mode=TwoWay}"
                          ItemTemplate="{TemplateBinding ItemTemplate}"
                          HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" />

public class ChangeTrackingHeaderComboBox : TemplatedControl
    private object? _selectedItem;
    private int? _selectedValue;

    public static readonly DirectProperty<ChangeTrackingHeaderComboBox, object?> SelectedItemProperty =
        AvaloniaProperty.RegisterDirect<ChangeTrackingHeaderComboBox, object?>(nameof(SelectedItem),
            o => o.SelectedItem,
            (o, v) => o.SelectedItem = v,
            defaultBindingMode: BindingMode.TwoWay,
            enableDataValidation: true);

    public static readonly DirectProperty<ChangeTrackingHeaderComboBox, int?> SelectedValueProperty =
        AvaloniaProperty.RegisterDirect<ChangeTrackingHeaderComboBox, int?>(nameof(SelectedValue),
            o => o.SelectedValue,
            (o, v) => o.SelectedValue = v,
            defaultBindingMode: BindingMode.TwoWay,
            enableDataValidation: true);

    public static readonly StyledProperty<IEnumerable> ItemsProperty = AvaloniaProperty
        .Register<ChangeTrackingHeaderComboBox, IEnumerable>(nameof(Items));

    public static readonly StyledProperty<int> SelectedIndexProperty = AvaloniaProperty
        .Register<ChangeTrackingHeaderComboBox, int>(nameof(SelectedIndex));

    public static readonly StyledProperty<IDataTemplate> ItemTemplateProperty = AvaloniaProperty
        .Register<ChangeTrackingHeaderComboBox, IDataTemplate>(nameof(ItemTemplate));

    public object? SelectedItem
        get => _selectedItem;
            SetAndRaise(SelectedItemProperty, ref _selectedItem, value);

    public int? SelectedValue
        get => _selectedValue;
            SetAndRaise(SelectedValueProperty, ref _selectedValue, value);

    public IEnumerable Items
        get => GetValue(ItemsProperty);
        set => SetValue(ItemsProperty, value);

    public int SelectedIndex
        get => GetValue(SelectedIndexProperty);
        set => SetValue(SelectedIndexProperty, value);

    public IDataTemplate ItemTemplate
        get => GetValue(ItemTemplateProperty);
        set => SetValue(ItemTemplateProperty, value);

    protected override void UpdateDataValidation(AvaloniaProperty property, BindingValueType state, Exception? error)
        base.UpdateDataValidation(property, state, error);

        if (property == SelectedItemProperty)
            DataValidationErrors.SetError(this, error);

        if (property == SelectedValueProperty)
            DataValidationErrors.SetError(this, error);

    private void OnSelectedItemChanged()
        // LookupItem should not be hard coded
        if (SelectedItem is LookupItem selectedItem)
            if (SelectedValue == selectedItem.Id) return;

            if (Items is IEnumerable<LookupItem> items)
                var selectedItemDisplayMember = selectedItem.DisplayMember;
                SelectedValue = items.SingleOrDefault(x => x.DisplayMember == selectedItemDisplayMember).Id;

    private void OnSelectedValueChanged()
        // LookupItem should not be hard coded
        if (Items is IEnumerable<LookupItem> items)
            if (SelectedItem == null)
                SelectedItem = items.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == SelectedValue);

            if (SelectedItem is LookupItem selectedItem)
                if (selectedItem.Id == SelectedValue) return;

                SelectedItem = items.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == SelectedValue);

// App.axaml
<Application xmlns=""

        <DataTemplate x:Key="LookupItemItemTemplate" x:DataType="viewModels:LookupItem">
            <ComboBoxItem Content="{CompiledBinding DisplayMember}"
                          VerticalContentAlignment="Center" />

        <FluentTheme Mode="Light" />
        <StyleInclude Source="/Controls/ChangeTrackingHeaderComboBox.axaml" />

// MainWindow
<controls:ChangeTrackingHeaderComboBox Items="{CompiledBinding Managers}"
                                       SelectedValue="{CompiledBinding Project.ManagerId}"
                                       ItemTemplate="{StaticResource LookupItemItemTemplate}" />

// ViewModel
public sealed class MainViewModel : ViewModelBase
    private Project _project;

    public MainViewModel()
        Managers = new ObservableCollection<LookupItem>();

    // Simulating loading Managers from database
        for (var i = 1; i < 12; i++)
            Managers.Add(new LookupItem
                Id = i,
                DisplayMember = $"Manager {i}"
        // One single Project loaded from database
        Project = new Project
            Id = 1,
            Name = "Project 1",
            ManagerId = Managers.LastOrDefault()?.Id

    public ObservableCollection<LookupItem> Managers { get; }

    public Project Project
        get => _project;
        private set
            if (value == _project) return;
            _project = value;

// Models
public sealed class Project
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int? ManagerId { get; set; }

public sealed class LookupItem
    public int Id { get; init; }
    public string DisplayMember { get; init; }

I have tried to use x:DataType="viewModels:LookupItem" and also implemented StyledProperty<Type> but no succcess.


  • Use the DisplayMemberBinding and SelectedValueBinding properties instead. As these are bindings, you need to use {Binding somepath} in the xaml