From my browser, I send the following payload as a string,
<Field Sql="select top(1)
Notice how the value of Sql has newline characters Row, FROM, and Table are all on a new line.
I pass this string XML to the method,
XmlSerializationUtility.FromXml<MyPayload>(xml, "Form")
public static T FromXml<T>(string xml, string root)
XmlSerializer xmlSer = GetXMLSerializer(typeof(T), new XmlRootAttribute(root));
var stringReader = new StringReader(xml);
T result = (T)xmlSer.Deserialize(stringReader);
// Output or inspect the deserialized value
Console.WriteLine("Deserialized value: " + result?.ToString());
// Return the deserialized result
return result;
private static XmlSerializer GetXMLSerializer(Type type, XmlRootAttribute root)
string key = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "CachedXmlSerializer:{0}:{1}", type, root.ElementName);
bool isCached = _serializers.TryGetValue(key, out XmlSerializer ser);
if (!isCached)
ser = new XmlSerializer(type, root);
_serializers.Add(key, ser);
return ser;
When I inspect my payload after FromXml is executed, all of those newline characters are gone, and I see select top(1) Row FROM Table
Do you have any idea why I am losing all those newline chars?
by default has XML normalization turned on and also only returns significant whitespace. If you want to keep the "Sql" as is you need to pass in a XmlTextReader
to the Deserialize
method like this
XmlTextReader xmlReader = new XmlTextReader(stringReader);
xmlReader.Normalization = false;
T result = (T)xmlSer.Deserialize(xmlReader);