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Push --mirror from bare repo to empty GitHub repo fails

There is an repo in GitHub Enterprise with 1611 branches. I try to create an backup via bear repo and push --mirror (in comply with doc: Literally this:

git clone --bare


git push --mirror

Push ends up with error and leaves remote repo intact:

Enumerating objects: 56995, done.
Counting objects: 100% (34840/34840), done.
Delta compression using up to 12 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (730/730), done.
Writing objects: 100% (56995/56995), 230.72 MiB | 3.56 MiB/s, done.
Total 56995 (delta 34303), reused 34110 (delta 34110), pack-reused 22155
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (44324/44324), completed with 8890 local objects.
remote: fatal error in commit_refs
 ! [remote rejected]     Release/9.10.4 -> Release/9.10.4 (failure)
 ! [remote rejected]     TFS_C60113 -> TFS_C60113 (failure)
 ! [remote rejected]     TFS_C81349 -> TFS_C81349 (failure)
 ! [remote rejected]     release/9.10.4 -> release/9.10.4 (failure)
 ! [remote rejected]     Created_9.8_On_TFS -> Created_9.8_On_TFS (failure)
 ! [remote rejected]     TFS_C53824 -> TFS_C53824 (failure)
 ! [remote rejected]     TFS_C53825 -> TFS_C53825 (failure)
 ! [remote rejected]     TFS_C53826 -> TFS_C53826 (failure)
 ! [remote rejected]     archive/2024/patch/adobe -> archive/2024/patch/adobe (failure)
 ! [remote rejected]     archive/2022/DELETE_MASTER -> archive/2022/DELETE_MASTER (failure)
error: failed to push some refs to ''

Push of either branches or tags one by one works with no issues. What do I miss? Is there something I can tweak to get it working? Is there the way to get additional details in term of the root-cause?


  • Didn't find the description of the root-cause. The workable workaround happened to be push to remote branches in bundles, followed by git push --mirror:

    git clone --mirror 
    git remote add ssh_mirror git push ssh_mirror refs/heads/archive/2024/A* 
    git push ssh_mirror refs/heads/archive/2024/B* 
    git push ssh_mirror refs/heads/archive/2024/z* 
    git push --mirror ssh_mirror