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How to configure clang-format to place ) and } on a new line?

I’m trying to configure clang-format to break after each function parameter and place ) and } on separate lines for (member) function declarations and calls, like this:

void draw(
    const geometry::rect &source,
    const geometry::rect &destination,
    const double angle = 0.0,
    flip flip = flip::none,
    const uint8_t alpha = 255
) const noexcept;

Or this

      "play", &audio::soundmanager::play,
      "stop", &audio::soundmanager::stop

I don't want the code to be formatted like this:

      "play", &audio::soundmanager::play,
      "stop", &audio::soundmanager::stop);

Here is the .clang-format file I have so far:

BasedOnStyle: LLVM
UseTab: Never
IndentWidth: 2
TabWidth: 2
BreakBeforeBraces: Attach
AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: true
IndentCaseLabels: false
ColumnLimit: 0
AccessModifierOffset: -2
FixNamespaceComments: false


  • The const noexcept on the closing parenthesis let me conclude that you are in fact showing us a decontextualized method declaration here. I tried to build a test file to cover interesting use cases.

    Input test.cpp:

    int fun(int const *a, const int &b,
        const int c, const int d, const int e) noexcept;
    class Foo {
        int bar(
            int const *a,
            int const &b,
            const int some_c, int const some_d, const int some_e
        ) const noexcept {
            const int f = fun(a, b, some_c, some_d, some_e);
            return scale *f;
        const int scale = 10;
    int fun(
    const int *a, const int &b, const int c, const int d, const int e) noexcept {
        return *a + b + (c-d)*e;

    I based .custom-style file on Chromium and adjusted several config values:


    BasedOnStyle: Chromium
    Language: Cpp
    IndentWidth: 4
    AlignAfterOpenBracket: BlockIndent
    DerivePointerAlignment: false
    PointerAlignment: Right
    # not shown in original question:
    AccessModifierOffset: -2
    QualifierAlignment: Left

    I run the command

    $> clang-format --style=file:.custom-style` test.cpp > test-s.cpp

    Output (test-s.cpp):

    int fun(
        const int *a,
        const int &b,
        const int c,
        const int d,
        const int e
    ) noexcept;
    class Foo {
        int bar(
            const int *a,
            const int &b,
            const int some_c,
            const int some_d,
            const int some_e
        ) const noexcept {
            const int f = fun(a, b, some_c, some_d, some_e);
            return scale * f;
        const int scale = 10;
    int fun(
        const int *a,
        const int &b,
        const int c,
        const int d,
        const int e
    ) noexcept {
        return *a + b + (c - d) * e;

    Finally, it should be noted that parameters are normally only wrapped if they would otherwise exceed one line. It may still be possible to achieve this by adjusting one or more of the Penalty* values.