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How to Retrieve Gutenberg Block Styles When Fetching Posts from Headless WordPress for Use in Next.js?

I'm currently building a Next.js application that retrieves posts from a headless WordPress backend using the REST API. I've noticed that the content returned for Gutenberg blocks includes HTML comments containing style information, such as colors, typography, and other CSS rules, like so:

<!-- wp:paragraph {"style":{"elements":{"link":{"color":{"text":"var:preset|color|orange"}}},"typography":{"lineHeight":"1.8"}},"backgroundColor":"gray","textColor":"blue","fontSize":"small"} -->
<p class="has-drop-cap has-blue-color has-gray-background-color has-text-color has-background has-link-color has-small-font-size" style="line-height:1.8">Here is some text.</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph -->

However, when I fetch these posts in my Next.js app and render them, the CSS styles from these comments are not applied. I understand that WordPress applies these styles during rendering, but I'm unsure how to replicate this behaviour in my Next.js application.

I've installed the @wordpress/block-library package and imported its CSS styles into my component as follows:

import "@wordpress/block-library/build-style/common.css";
import "@wordpress/block-library/build-style/style.css";
import "@wordpress/block-library/build-style/theme.css";

While some styles from the block library, such as padding for paragraphs with the class .has-background, are being applied correctly (I can see this when inspecting paragraph):

p.has-background {
    padding: 1.25em 2.375em;

I've encountered an issue with text and background colour not rendering as expected. For example, when I attempt to apply a colour or background to text within a paragraph block using Gutenberg, the styles are not applied in my Next.js app.

Can anyone offer insights into why the color and background styles defined within Gutenberg blocks are not rendering properly in my Next.js application, despite importing the block library CSS? Additionally, how can I ensure that these styles are correctly applied to my Gutenberg content in Next.js? Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


  • Unfortunately what you're missing is the CSS provided by your theme. Default currently is the "Twenty Twenty Four" theme. The @wordpress\block-library provides some default css that all blocks receive but the colors and such are not defined by blocks, they're defined in partnership with your theme.

    If you use developer tools to inspect the page on your WordPress site, not on Next.js. You'll see the blog post has lots of styles with ids like id="wp-block" This is the CSS you've imported with @wordpress\block-library.

    However, there is another style bock with id="global-styles-inline-css". This is the CSS provided by your theme. I'm using TwentyWentyFour for research which is styled with Full Site Editing and thus theme.json. The brief research I've done shows no way of fetching that css from the WordPress rest-api at this time, though you may want to look more into that. Copying and pasting it into my Next.js project seemed to do this trick, but who knows how dynamic that block is and if this will work for everything.

    If your theme is not an FSE theme there may very well be a style.css that you can copy out and import directly into you project (or link to its location in your WP directory in your <head> from Next.js).