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dsnless connection using oracledb

Using VBA I can make a dsnless connection to oracle in the following way.

Driver={Oracle in OraClient21Home1};DBQ=<<string_returned_from_tnsping>>;User Id=fake_user;Password=fake_password;

Is there a similar way I can do the same in Python with oracledb?


    • Use Thick mode with libraries from your Oracle Database home
    • Don't pass a DSN parameter when connecting; this will pick up the environment ORACLE_SID
    import os
    import platform
    import oracledb
    ld = None  # On Linux, pass None
    if platform.system() == 'Darwin':
        ld = str(os.environ.get('HOME'))+'/Downloads/instantclient_23_3'
    elif platform.system() == 'Windows':
        ld = r'C:\oracle\instantclient_19_23'
    print('Using Thick mode')
    un = 'cj'
    pw = 'cj'
    with oracledb.connect(user=un, password=pw) as connection:
        with connection.cursor() as cursor:
            sql = """select systimestamp from dual"""
            for (r,) in cursor.execute(sql):

    This actually also works with Instant Client to a remote database if you set the old Oracle environment variable TWO_TASK to your connect string.