I found this link https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6579697/android-how-to-make-the-versioncode-update-automatically-with-every-build that contains the following code:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [ -f $MANIFEST ]
LINE=$(grep -o ${MANIFEST} -e 'android:versionCode="[0-9]*"');
declare -a LINE;
LINE=(`echo $LINE | tr "\"" " "`);
sed "s/android:versionCode=\"[0-9]*\"/android:versionCode=\"${INCREMENTED}\"/" $MANIFEST > $MANIFEST.tmp && mv $MANIFEST.tmp $MANIFEST
git add $MANIFEST
echo "Updated android:versionCode to ${INCREMENTED} in ${MANIFEST}";
I'm using a TortoiseSVN with a windows SVN server however (VisualSVN) so I'm wondering if this could be put into a cygwin command somehow so that the pre-commit hooks in svn can run this? I've not used cygwin much, but am looking for a way to have my version name update every time a commit is built.
Edit: actually it looks like you can use a tool call FARThttp://fart-it.sourceforge.net/ to find and replace text, so i may be able to write a batch script in the SVN pre-commit to find and replace the text.
Edit #2: FART would be more complicated, I'm going to try using the first script, but replace "git add" with "svn add" and see if that works
You can use Maven (which supports Android development) with buildnumber plugin.
It let's you create build numbers via an SCM, via a sequential build number, or via a timestamp. See usage page.