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Python datetime format: UTC time zone offset with colon

I'm trying to format a datetime object in Python using either the strftime method or an f-string. I would like to include the time zone offset from UTC with a colon between the hour and minute.

According to the documentation, a format code, %:z, may be available to do exactly what I want. The documentation does warn, however, that this may not be available on all platforms.

I am running Python 3.10 on Windows, and it doesn't seem to work for me. I guess I'm wondering if I just have the syntax mixed up or if indeed this format code isn't available to me. Anyone else have experience with this?

The following statement raises a ValueError: Invalid format string:

print(f"{ %H:%M:%S%:z}")

Using the %z format code instead of the %:z code does work, however, giving me something close to what I want, namely 2024-10-09 13:17:21-0700 at the time I ran it:

print(f"{ %H:%M:%S%z}")


  • Per documentation:

    Added in version 3.12: %:z was added.

    Example on Windows 10:

    Python 3.12.6 (tags/v3.12.6:a4a2d2b, Sep  6 2024, 20:11:23) [MSC v.1940 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
    >>> import datetime as dt
    >>> print(f"{ %H:%M:%S%:z}")
    2024-10-09 15:46:13-07:00

    Pre 3.12, you could make a helper function:

    import datetime as dt
    def now():
        s = f'{ %H:%M:%S%z}'
        return s[:-2] + ':' + s[-2:]


    2024-10-09 15:52:51-07:00