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Upload file to Azure Blob Storage with Microsoft.XMLHTTP with progres VBA

I’m trying to upload a file to Storage using Microsoft.XMLHTTP in VBA for MS Access with progress tracking. Uploading without progress tracking works fine, but I need to have progress tracking, especially for larger files.

I have a problem with this line:

 xmlHttp.send fileData

err: The parameter is incorrect… I tried to divide the file into 5 portions and upload them, but I am doing something wrong. Here is the snippet:

 Public Sub UploadToAzureBlob(filePath As String, fileName As String)
    Dim adoStream As Object
    Dim xmlHttp As Object
    Dim responseStatus As Long
    Dim sUrl As String
    Dim fileSize As Long
    Dim bytesSent As Long
    Dim chunkSize As Long
    Dim fileData() As Byte
    Dim progressForm As Form
    Dim numParts As Long

    'On Error GoTo ErrHandler

    filePath = filePath & fileName
    fileName = "/" & URLEncodeJScript(fileName) ' For Azure in this format
    sUrl = blobUrl & fileName & sasToken

    Set adoStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
    adoStream.Mode = 3
    adoStream.Type = 1
    adoStream.LoadFromFile filePath
    fileSize = adoStream.Size
    numParts = 5
    chunkSize = fileSize \ numParts
    If chunkSize = 0 Then chunkSize = fileSize

    DoCmd.OpenForm "dlgPRGBAR"
    Set progressForm = Forms!dlgPRGBAR
    Set xmlHttp = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")

    bytesSent = 0
    Do While bytesSent < fileSize
        If bytesSent + chunkSize > fileSize Then
            chunkSize = fileSize - bytesSent
        End If
        adoStream.Position = bytesSent
        ReDim fileData(0 To chunkSize - 1)
        fileData = adoStream.Read(chunkSize)
        Debug.Print "Chunk size: " & chunkSize & " Bytes sent: " & bytesSent

        xmlHttp.Open "PUT", sUrl, False
        xmlHttp.setRequestHeader "x-ms-blob-type", "BlockBlob"
        xmlHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Length", CStr(chunkSize)
        Debug.Print "URL: " & sUrl
        Debug.Print "Content-Length: " & CStr(chunkSize)
        xmlHttp.send fileData

        If xmlHttp.status <> 201 And xmlHttp.status <> 202 Then
            Debug.Print "Error: " & xmlHttp.status & " - " & xmlHttp.StatusText
            MsgBox "Error: " & xmlHttp.status & " - " & xmlHttp.StatusText, vbCritical
            GoTo CleanUp
        End If
        bytesSent = bytesSent + chunkSize
        Dim IntValue As Long
        IntValue = (bytesSent \ chunkSize)
        If IntValue >= 5 Then
            IntValue = 5
        End If
        Set prg = Forms!dlgPRGBAR!CtlProgress.Object
        Set Complete = Forms!dlgPRGBAR!lblComplete
        prg.Max = numParts
        prg.Value = IntValue
        strComplete = Format((prg.Value / prg.Max) * 100, "##") & " % Complete"
        Complete.Caption = strComplete

    DoCmd.Close acForm, "dlgPRGBAR"
    responseStatus = xmlHttp.status
    If responseStatus = 201 Then
        MsgBox "File uploaded successfully!", vbInformation
        MsgBox "Error: " & responseStatus & " - " & xmlHttp.StatusText, vbCritical
    End If
    On Error Resume Next
    If Not adoStream Is Nothing Then adoStream.Close
    Set adoStream = Nothing
    Set xmlHttp = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "An error occurred: " & err.Description, vbCritical
    Resume CleanUp
End Sub


  • According to the Azure documentation: “Partial updates are not supported with Put Blob. To perform a partial update of the content of a block blob, use the Put Block List operation.”

    Unfortunately, I was unsuccessful with this method.

    In the meantime, I explored using the Append Blob operation and successfully managed to partially upload a file. While this approach works, I'm unsure if it's the correct method to use, especially regarding incorporating a progress bar during the file upload.

    Therefore, I would like to clarify the appropriate way to perform partial uploads to Azure. Should I use the Put Block List operation, or is it acceptable to use the Append Blob operation?

    Below is a snippet demonstrating the use of the Append Blob operation;

    Note: The new appending blob must be created as a new entry in the container; It cannot overwrite any existing blob;

     Public Sub UploadToAzureAppendBlob(fileName As String, filePath As String)
        Dim adoStream As Object
        Dim xmlHttp As Object
        Dim sUrl As String
        Dim responseStatus As Long
        Dim blockSize As Long
        Dim totalSize As Long
        Dim uploadedSize As Long
        Dim chunkSize As Long
        Dim chunkData As Variant
        Dim progressPercent As Integer
        Dim progressForm As Form
        Dim numParts As Integer
        Dim prg As progressBar
        Dim fileSize As Long
        Dim Complete As Label
    On Error GoTo ErrHandler
        Set adoStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
        adoStream.Type = 1
        adoStream.LoadFromFile filePath
        fileSize = adoStream.Size
        uploadedSize = 0
        Select Case fileSize
            Case Is < CLng(512) * CLng(1024)
                numParts = 2
            Case Is < CLng(1) * CLng(1024) * CLng(1024)
                numParts = 3
            Case Else
                numParts = 4
        End Select
        chunkSize = fileSize \ numParts
        If chunkSize = 0 Then chunkSize = fileSize
        ' Check if the blob already exists
        sUrl = BLOBURL & "/" & fileName & "?" & sasToken
        Set xmlHttp = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
        With xmlHttp
            .Open "HEAD", sUrl, False
            responseStatus = .status
        End With
        ' If blob exists, delete it before uploading a new one
        If responseStatus = 200 Then
            If MsgBox("File Exists !!!" & vbCrLf & "Do you want to delete it?", vbInformation + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, "INFO") = vbNo Then
                GoTo CleanUp
            End If
            ' Blob exists, delete it
            Set xmlHttp = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
            With xmlHttp
                .Open "DELETE", sUrl, False
                responseStatus = .status
            End With
            If responseStatus <> 202 Then
                MsgBox "Error deleting existing blob: " & responseStatus, vbCritical
                GoTo CleanUp
            End If
        End If
        DoCmd.OpenForm "dlgPRGBAR"
        Set progressForm = Forms!dlgPRGBAR
        Set prg = progressForm!CtlProgress.Object
        Set Complete = progressForm!lblComplete
        Complete.Caption = "Starting upload..."
        prg.Max = 100
        prg.Value = 10
        sUrl = BLOBURL & "/" & URLEncodeJScript(fileName) & "?" & sasToken
        Set xmlHttp = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
        With xmlHttp
            .Open "PUT", sUrl, False
            .setRequestHeader "x-ms-blob-type", "AppendBlob" ' Important: Specify the blob type
            .send ""
            responseStatus = .status
        End With
        If responseStatus <> 201 Then
            MsgBox "Error creating append blob: " & responseStatus, vbCritical
            GoTo CleanUp
        End If
        Do While uploadedSize < fileSize
            If uploadedSize + chunkSize > fileSize Then
                chunkSize = fileSize - uploadedSize
            End If
            adoStream.Position = uploadedSize
            chunkData = adoStream.Read(chunkSize)
            sUrl = BLOBURL & "/" & URLEncodeJScript(fileName) & "?comp=appendblock&" & sasToken
            Set xmlHttp = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
            With xmlHttp
                .Open "PUT", sUrl, False
                .setRequestHeader "Content-Length", LenB(chunkData)
                .send chunkData
                responseStatus = .status
            End With
            If responseStatus = 201 Then
                uploadedSize = uploadedSize + LenB(chunkData)
                progressPercent = Int((uploadedSize / fileSize) * 100)
                Debug.Print "Progress: " & progressPercent & "%"
                prg.Max = 100
                prg.Value = progressPercent
                Complete.Caption = ""
                Complete.Caption = progressPercent & " % Complete"
                MsgBox "Error uploading chunk: " & responseStatus, vbCritical
                GoTo CleanUp
            End If
        MsgBox "File uploaded successfully!", vbInformation
        If Not adoStream Is Nothing Then adoStream.Close
        Set adoStream = Nothing
        Set xmlHttp = Nothing
        On Error Resume Next
        Set prg = Nothing
        Set Complete = Nothing
        Set progressForm = Nothing
        DoCmd.Close acForm, "dlgPRGBAR"
        Set progressForm = Nothing
        Exit Sub
        Debug.Print ERR.Number & " - " & ERR.Description & " File Size: " & fileSize
        MsgBox "ERR.Number : " & ERR.Number & " - " & ERR.Description
        Resume CleanUp
    End Sub