I have a class that encapsulates a generic class T, and it has an implicit operator to convert the encapsulating class to T.
However, that conversion is only ever used if I cast explicitly in the calling code. I haven't found any rules that seem to apply. This is .Net 8.0, C# 12.
internal class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");
var r = new Result<Contact>(new Contact() { FullName = "Otto" });
Console.WriteLine(r.Value.FullName); // This works, no surprise
Console.WriteLine(r.FullName); // Squiggly under FullName. CS1061: 'Result<Contact>' does not contain a definition for 'FullName' and no accessible extension method...
Console.WriteLine(((Contact)r).FullName); // Explicit cast works
public class Contact
public string FullName { get; set; } = "";
public class Result<T>
public T Value { get; }
public int Index { get; }
public Result(T value)
Value = value;
Index = 0;
public Result(T value, int index)
Value = value;
Index = index;
public static implicit operator T(Result<T> result)
return result.Value;
A variable can only have one type. In your case r
is Result<Contact>
. You cannot use it as both Result<Contact
and Contact
for simultaneous access to members of both types.
What you did allows you to pass r
where Contact
is expected without needing to explicitly cast.
var r = new Result<Contact>(new Contact() { FullName = "Otto" });
Console.WriteLine(r.Value.FullName); //Otto
// implicit cast works because the parameter is of type Contact
// which Result<Contact> impicitly converts to
Action<Contact> action = c => Console.WriteLine(c.FullName);
action(r); // Otto