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Mongo DB Nested Array Updates & create in single mongo command

I have a nested mongo array

  "_id": 1,
  "date": "2024-09-30",
  "employees": [
      "_id": 101,
      "name": "John Doe",
      "company": "ABC Corp",
      "department": "HR",
      "salary": 50000,
      "contactNumber": "123-456-7890"
      "_id": 102,
      "name": "A",
      "company": "XYZ Corp",
      "department": "HR",
      "salary": 500100,
      "contactNumber": "1333-456-7890"
      "_id": 103,
      "name": "B",
      "company": "XYZ Corp",
      "department": "HR",
      "salary": 500100,
      "contactNumber": "1333-456-7890"

I need to update the salary of 101 and also add new memeber 104. How can i do in single update?

I am able to do with 2 updates. One to update 101's salary using ArrayFilters and another is to $push 104 to array. Below are the queries,

  { _id: 1 },  // Match the document with _id: 1
    $set: { "employees.$[emp].salary": 60000 }  // Set the new salary for employee with _id: 101
    arrayFilters: [ { "emp._id": 101 } ]  // Array filter to target the specific employee with _id: 101
  { _id: 1 },  // Match the document with _id: 1
    $push: {
      employees: {
        _id: 104,
        name: "New Employee",
        company: "New Corp",
        department: "HR",
        salary: 70000,
        contactNumber: "987-654-3210"

Is there any way I can do both adding new employee and updating existing employee in same query.?

I think I can use aggregate to do so. but which is better in case of performance?


  • You can do the following in an update with aggregation pipeline.

    1. $map to iterate through the array. Conditionally update the array entry with $mergeObjects if the entry's id match your update cases(i.e. id =101 or 102) in a $switch
    2. $concatArrays to append your new employee entry there
      _id: 1
        "$set": {
          "employees": {
            "$map": {
              "input": "$employees",
              "as": "e",
              "in": {
                "$switch": {
                  "branches": [
                      "case": {
                        "$eq": [
                      "then": {
                        "$mergeObjects": [
                            "salary": 60000
                      "case": {
                        "$eq": [
                      "then": {
                        "$mergeObjects": [
                            "salary": 70000
                  "default": "$$e"
        "$set": {
          "employees": {
            "$concatArrays": [
                // new employee to insert here
                  _id: 104,
                  name: "New Employee",
                  company: "New Corp",
                  department: "HR",
                  salary: 70000,
                  contactNumber: "987-654-3210"

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