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How to institute logging from Poly ResiliencePipeline for success after failure

In C# I'm using Polly Version=8.4.1 and a reusable retry ResiliencePipeline via ResiliencePipelineBuilder.

    return new ResiliencePipelineBuilder()
        .AddRetry(new RetryStrategyOptions
            MaxRetryAttempts = 5,
            DelayGenerator = {blah(blah, blah);},
            ShouldHandle = args => { blahblah(blah); }

I want to be able to add logging for when the operation initially fails but subsequently succeeds. Something like:

{operations} recovered after 3 tries, in 22 seconds

I believe in older versions of Polly this would be accomplished by injecting handling via the OnSuccess operation.

How is this done in v8.x?


  • On way to solve this problem is by introducing a custom ResilienceStrategy. This strategy wraps your retry strategy and captures the execution time via a simple Stopwatch. It also retrieves the attempt count via the usage of ResilienceContext.

    Here you can find a working example:

    The custom strategy

    public sealed class RetryReporterStrategy: ResilienceStrategy
        private readonly ResiliencePropertyKey<int> _attemptCount;
        public RetryReporterStrategy(ResiliencePropertyKey<int> attemptCount)
            _attemptCount = attemptCount;
        protected override async ValueTask<Outcome<TResult>> ExecuteCore<TResult, TState>(
            Func<ResilienceContext, TState, ValueTask<Outcome<TResult>>> callback,
            ResilienceContext context,
            TState state)
            var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            var result = await callback(context, state).ConfigureAwait(context.ContinueOnCapturedContext);
            context.Properties.TryGetValue(_attemptCount, out var attempts);
            if (result.Exception is not null)
                Console.WriteLine($"The operation failed after {attempts+1} tries, in {watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} seconds");
                Console.WriteLine($"The operation succeeded after {attempts+1} tries, in {watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} seconds");
            return result;
    • The strategy receives a ResiliencePropertyKey which is used to set & get the attempt number on the context
      • The attempt number for the retry strategy starts from 0 because the original user function's execution does not count as retry
    • The ExecuteCore starts the stopwatch, executes the wrapped strategy (var result = await callback(...)` and stops the stopwatch
    • Then it fetches the attempt count
      • Please bear in mind that this code demonstrates the basic idea WITHOUT any proper error handling
      • In your production code please make sure that TryGetValue returns true before you start using the attempts variable
    • Before the function returns the result it performs some logging
      • This branching logic is meant only for demonstration
      • In your production code it could be more sophisticated

    Let's wire up

    public static class RetryExtensions
        public static ResiliencePipelineBuilder AddFancyRetry(this ResiliencePipelineBuilder builder, RetryStrategyOptions options)
            ResiliencePropertyKey<int> attemptCountKey = new(nameof(attemptCountKey));
            return builder
            .AddStrategy(context => new RetryReporterStrategy(attemptCountKey), options)
            .AddRetry(new() {
                BackoffType = options.BackoffType,
                Delay = options.Delay,
                DelayGenerator = options.DelayGenerator,
                MaxDelay = options.MaxDelay,
                MaxRetryAttempts = options.MaxRetryAttempts,
                Name = options.Name,
                Randomizer = options.Randomizer,
                OnRetry = args =>
                    args.Context.Properties.Set(attemptCountKey, args.AttemptNumber);
                    return options.OnRetry?.Invoke(args) ?? default;
                ShouldHandle = options.ShouldHandle,
                UseJitter = options.UseJitter
    • An extension method is defined against ResiliencePipelineBuilder to ease the usage
      • In your production code you might need to introduce a generic variant as well against the ResiliencePipelineBuilder<TResult> type
    • First the function defines a ResiliencePropertyKey which is used for communication (via the context) between our custom strategy and the retry
    • It registers our RetryReporterStrategy first as the outer strategy into the pipeline (.AddStrategy)
    • Then it adds a retry as the inner strategy (.AddRetry)
      • It basically copies blindly all values from the options parameter, except for OnRetry
        • First it sets the attempt number on the context
        • Then it performs the OnRetry delegate if it was provided

    Usage samples

    A happy path

    var pipeline = new ResiliencePipelineBuilder()
        .AddFancyRetry(new () {
            ShouldHandle = args => PredicateResult.True(),
            MaxRetryAttempts = 3,
            Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
    await pipeline.ExecuteAsync(async ct => await Task.Delay(100, ct), CancellationToken.None);

    The output

    The operation succeeded after 3 tries, in 3.4203751 seconds
    • The Task.Delay have been executed four times >> 0.4s
      • Four times: the original attempt + three retry attempts
    • Before each retry attempt the strategy waited a second >> 3.0s
    • and finally there is a negligible Polly pipeline overhead >> 0.02s

    An unhappy path

    pipeline = new ResiliencePipelineBuilder()
        .AddFancyRetry(new () {
            ShouldHandle = new PredicateBuilder().Handle<Exception>(),
            MaxRetryAttempts = 5,
            Delay = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500),
            OnRetry = static args => 
                return default;
    await pipeline.ExecuteAsync(async ct => 
        await Task.Delay(100, ct); 
        throw new Exception(); 
    }, CancellationToken.None);

    The output

    The operation failed after 5 tries, in 3.1136394 seconds
    Unhandled exception. System.Exception: Exception of type 'System.Exception' was thrown.

    In this scenario we had

    • 6 execution attempts >> 0.6s
    • 5 half second delays >> 2.5s
    • and the Polly overhead >> 0.01s