if a build the app it is correct. archieve is also correct. but when i upload app to Test Flight i get this error o MacOS 15 , Xcode 16 .
<IDEDistributionContext: 0x7f9ef32a6d50; archive = "<IDEArchive: 0x6000171f4620>", distributionMethod="(null)", team="(null)">
<IDEDistributionContext: 0x7f9ef30a67d0; archive = "<IDEArchive: 0x6000171f4620>", distributionMethod="(null)", team="(null)">
<IDEDistributionContext: 0x7f9ef0aff8d0; archive = "<IDEArchive: 0x6000171f4620>", distributionMethod="(null)", team="(null)">
</IDEDistributionContext: 0x7f9ef0a1a0f0>
2024-09-25 10:05:15 +0000 [MT] Upload for archive TrueCaller had issues:
"<IDEDistributionIssue: severity(error), error(Error Domain=ContentDelivery Code=90482 \"Asset validation failed\" UserInfo={IDEDistributionIssueSeverity=3, NSLocalizedDescription=Asset validation failed, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Invalid Executable. The executable 'TrueCaller.app/Frameworks/hermes.framework/hermes' contains bitcode. (ID: 70394fde-4ed8-40ca-b6a8-2aabb46b397a)})>"
create a file in the ios folder with name `
use this commnad
touch handle_bitcode.sh
and then run this command
sudo chmod +x handle_bitcode.sh
and paste this script
# Function to check if a binary contains bitcode
check_bitcode() {
local binary_path=$1
if otool -l "$binary_path" | grep -q __LLVM; then
echo "$binary_path contains bitcode."
echo "$binary_path" >> bitcode_frameworks.txt
echo "$binary_path does not contain bitcode."
# Function to strip bitcode from a binary
strip_bitcode() {
local binary_path=$1
local output_path="${binary_path}_stripped"
xcrun bitcode_strip "$binary_path" -r -o "$output_path"
echo "Stripped bitcode from $binary_path and saved to $output_path"
# Function to replace original binary with the stripped version
replace_framework() {
local original_path=$1
local stripped_path="${original_path}_stripped"
if [ -f "$stripped_path" ]; then
echo "Replacing $original_path with $stripped_path..."
rm "$original_path"
mv "$stripped_path" "$original_path"
echo "Replaced $original_path successfully."
echo "Stripped binary $stripped_path not found. Skipping."
# Function to disable Bitcode in the Xcode project
disable_bitcode_in_project() {
# Automatically detect the Xcode project file
local xcodeproj_file=$(find . -name "*.xcodeproj" | head -n 1)
if [ -z "$xcodeproj_file" ]; then
echo "Xcode project not found. Exiting."
exit 1
local xcodeproj_name=$(basename "$xcodeproj_file" .xcodeproj)
echo "Disabling Bitcode in Xcode project $xcodeproj_name..."
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :buildSettings:ENABLE_BITCODE NO" "$xcodeproj_file/project.pbxproj"
# Clean and rebuild the Xcode project
echo "Cleaning the build folder..."
xcodebuild clean -workspace "$xcodeproj_name.xcworkspace" -scheme "$xcodeproj_name" -configuration Debug
echo "Building the project..."
xcodebuild -workspace "$xcodeproj_name.xcworkspace" -scheme "$xcodeproj_name" -configuration Debug
echo "Process completed successfully!"
# Step 1: Check frameworks for Bitcode
echo "Checking frameworks for Bitcode..."
# Remove old bitcode_frameworks.txt if it exists
rm -f bitcode_frameworks.txt
# Check frameworks in Pods and the ios directory
if [ -d "Pods" ]; then
echo "Checking frameworks in Pods..."
find Pods -name '*.framework' -type d | while read -r framework; do
binary_name=$(basename "$framework" .framework)
if [ -f "$binary_path" ]; then
check_bitcode "$binary_path"
echo "Checking frameworks in the ios directory..."
find . -name '*.framework' -type d | while read -r framework; do
binary_name=$(basename "$framework" .framework)
if [ -f "$binary_path" ]; then
check_bitcode "$binary_path"
echo "Bitcode check completed. Frameworks containing bitcode are listed in bitcode_frameworks.txt."
# Step 2: Strip Bitcode from all frameworks that contain it
if [ -f bitcode_frameworks.txt ]; then
echo "Stripping bitcode from frameworks..."
while read -r binary_path; do
strip_bitcode "$binary_path"
done < bitcode_frameworks.txt
echo "No frameworks found containing bitcode. Exiting."
exit 1
# Step 3: Replace original frameworks with stripped versions
echo "Replacing original frameworks with stripped versions..."
while read -r binary_path; do
replace_framework "$binary_path"
done < bitcode_frameworks.txt
# Step 4: Disable Bitcode in the Xcode project and rebuild
in the termianl run this in ios folder