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Primefaces Dialog inside tab not working with modal="true" and appendto="@body"

The dialogs work fine when they are not inside any tab. But I have some pages inside tabs and in those pages, if I make modal="true" and @appendto="@body", I do not see my changes done on the dialog in the bean. But if I make modal="false", the changes work fine, its just that I want my dialog to be modal. Can anyone suggest what to do? I have a home page where the tabs are defined

  <p:tabView dynamic="true" cache="false" id="tabView" style="margin-top:30px;">
                    <p:ajax event="tabChange"                           
                    <p:tab id="homeTab" title="Account">
                        <ui:include src="work/tab1.xhtml"/>
                    <p:tab id="Tab1" title="Payments">
                        <ui:include src="work/tab2.xhtml"/>

In tabView, tab1.xhtml, I have a dialog which has input text, selectOneMenu and a datatable to edit as well. Whenever I add any value or change, I see that the changed values are not saved in the bean. I had to add an ajax event change listener and get the changed vaklue in bean like this

<p:selectOneMenu value="#{}" styleClass="menu" update= "@this" panelStyleClass="panel"
                                     style="width:255px;background-color:#E5FBFF;color:#0E66EE;font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;">
                        <f:selectItem itemLabel="Select One" itemValue="" />
                        <f:selectItems value="#{}" />
                        <p:ajax event="change" partialSubmit="true"  update= "@this" listener="#{bean.nameChangeListener}"/>

In bean the listener is as below,

public void nameChangeListener (AjaxBehaviorEvent event) {
        Object val = ((UIInput)event.getSource()).getValue();
        name = (String)val;

After all this, I am able to see the changes and I'm able to save them even when I make my dialog modal and add appendTo="@(body)"

Now the issue is in changing the datatable . I have a dropdown in just one of the cells which I need to change, But I don't know how will I know what row was changed. Because I have to save the whole row in the DB. Please help.

I also have another dialog which has just a datatable and all the columns can be edited. I want to know how can I know the row in which the change has been made


  • As suggested by @melloware, I could solve it by moving the dialogs in a separate xhtml file in a new form as below.

    <h:form id="pForm">
        <p:dialog  dynamic="true" header="Add" widgetVar="testDialog" resizable="false" showHeader="true" closable="true"  width="58%" height="100%" modal="true">
              <!-- ****************Dialog Content*************** -->
          update=:mform:AddGrid  <!-- ****This is on my main xhtml page**** -->

    I had to include this file in the file where I had all the tabviews defined. See Below

     <h:form id=mform>
         <p:tabView dynamic="true" cache="false" id="tabView" style="margin-top:30px;">
                 <p:ajax event="tabChange"                           
                 <p:tab id="homeTab" title="Account">
                     <ui:include src="work/tab1.xhtml"/>
                 <p:tab id="Tab1" title="Payments">
                     <ui:include src="work/tab2.xhtml"/>
     <ui:include src="dialogs.xhtml"/>