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Route Fails with Specific Query Parameters (`code` and `state`)

I'm encountering an issue with react-router-dom in my React application. I have a route set up for /selects, which works fine unless I include both code and state query parameters.

For example, this route doesn't render anything at all:


However, if I change one of the query parameter names, or pass only one query parameter, the route works as expected.

Additionally, if I use the code and state query parameters in other routes within the same app, like this:


it works without any issues.

I've tried creating a new React project with the same routing structure, and everything works fine in that setup.

Any ideas on why the route /selects is failing when both code and state are passed as query parameters in my current app? Could there be a conflict or something I'm missing? Any help is appreciated!

// Selects.tsx

const SelectAdAccount = () => {
  return <h1>Something</h1>;

export default SelectAdAccount;

Not getting any errors in console.


  • My bad, I have integrated Auth0 React SDK and that is causing the issue.

    This snippet fixed the issue.

    useEffect(() => {
        if (!isAuthenticated) {
      }, [isAuthenticated, getAccessTokenSilently]);