I want to scrape this link After clicking that link, you will see a lot of basket games. I would like to scrape all of them. But I do not know how to do it automatically. For example: Scrape 1, Scrape 2 and Scrape 3
I only have this:
urlMom = "https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_esES858ES858&sxsrf=ALeKk00vAYRnHmOE6qFRilFVywG3lzWqrg:1593765601198&q=liga+acb&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwij1o7E17DqAhXGSsAKHfPfB5EQBSgAegQIDBAq&biw=958&bih=927#sie=lg;/g/11hz1p2mky;3;/m/04mds4;mt;fp;1;;"
page = requests.get(urlMom)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, "html.parser")
links = soup.findAll("div", class_="imspo_mt__mit")
But it does not even work
One common issue for that kind of website is that the content is dynamically generated using JavaScript, which means unfortunately you cannot scrape static html (i.e. with Beautifull Soup).
On the other hand you can try to scrape the data with Selenium library, since it can render JavaScript.
Finally i strongly suggest to read: scrape-page-with-dynamic-content I wish you the best!