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The method is undefined when trying to use it inside other classes in src main

Experiencing an issue while trying to generate methods using lombok. The issue is "The method / constructor / etc is undefined for the type ...". I encounter it for any classes that are located in src/main/java, but, when using the same one in src/test/java, during testing I dont get any errors and the results are correct. Let me explain the situation a bit more:

  • if I try to use a generated method inside another class in src/main to get some data it throws an error about undefined method.

  • When I remove lombok methods and write my own, there are no issues whatsoever.

  • The error is not present if I use lombok generated methods inside classes in src/test/java directory

Code snippet:

public class DroolsRuleParsing {
    public static String checkLombokMethods(RuleFormat rule) {
        String constraintItems = null;
        if (rule.getRuleType().equalsIgnoreCase("item")) {
            constraintItems = "$hit_idList contains $appliedrule_hitId";
        if (rule.getRuleType().equalsIgnoreCase("hit")) {
            constraintItems = "$hit_id == $appliedrule_hitId";
        return constraintItems;

Error: The method getRuleType() is undefined for the type RuleFormat

If I remove this method and try to use .getRuleType() in src/test/java, then there are no errors:

    public void testRuleGeneration() throws Exception {"Testing rule generation from JSON");
        RuleFormat RuleData = new RuleFormat();
        RuleData.setName("Rule 4");
        RuleData.setRuleType("item");"check lombok getters {}", RuleData.getRuleType());
2024-09-26 17:06:12,572 [main] INFO  check lombok getters item

I am using mvn clean test; mvn clean install to check if created method works.

I've tried:

  1. following sintallation guide on the official website to install Lombok - - instruction here

  2. fiddled with configuration in pom file, some adviced to remove "scope" from the pom.xml - did not help

  3. reinstalling VS code extensions with Lombok (Lombok Annotations Support for VS Code)


  • As I was using a test project from Drools "Getting started" section, the packaging value in pom.xml was set to kjar. With this setup lombok methods are not working and I was not able to make them work. Switching packaging to jar solved an error, though Drools rules stopped working in the same project.