I created multiple visualizations in this Power BI project, driven by DAX measures that are successfully filter-responsive: when I use a filter (or slicer) on certain columns in the table, all visualizations change.
That filter-responsiveness was created by making sure all the needed data-tables contain certain flags, and then creating a "driver-table" for each flag. Then I created a "relationship" for each flag, between the flag's driver-table and each data-table.
So that way, when I define an "all pages" filter for that flag, I make the filter select FROM THE DRIVER-TABLE. Therefore, that flag selection selects all data-tables, affects all their measures, and therefore changes ALL THEIR VISUALIZATIONS.
But ... that's not working, for my "bottom 10" visualizations. The problem is: I've been asked to exclude the rows with ZERO counts.
I tried using the Power BI filter feature, to filter by TOP N, but then the zero count rows are selected.
I tried using TOPN in DAX for a table, but the problem with this, is that it's not filter-responsive: KEEPFILTERS does not seem to be doing its job.
Here's an example that I made generic, of code like I tried, using TOPN:
TopN_table =
, 'my_detail_data'[flag_a_4_member] = "Y"
&& 'my_detail_data'[flag_b_4_line] = "Y"
"summ_col_1", SUM('my_detail_data'[int_col_1]),
"summ_col_2", SUM('my_detail_data'[int_col_2])
[summ_col_1], DESC,
[summ_col_2], DESC
I've also tried a variation where the DAX table does NOT do TOPN, but just does the basic filtering and the exclusion of zero counts, but again ...... KEEPFILTERS doesn't seem to be working: it's not filter-responsive.
Here's an example like that code, that does almost everything, leaving the TOPN to a filter:
DaxTbl_2 =
VAR temp_table =
, 'my_detail_data'[flag_a_4_member] = "Y"
&& 'my_detail_data'[flag_b_4_line] = "Y"),
"summ_col_1", SUM('my_detail_data'[int_col_1]),
"summ_col_2", SUM('my_detail_data'[int_col_2])
[summ_col_1] > 0
I'm guessing the lack of filter-responsiveness is because SUMMARIZE doesn't include the flag-columns. But those flags are to be selected at the detail level (in the pseudo-code above, at the level of [int_col_1] and [int_col_2]), whereas I need to exclude zero-counts at the group level ([summ_col_1]).
I agree that using a calculated table is not the right approach to solving this problem. I recommend using a series of measures on the table: the measures will automatically updates based on the slicers that are selected.
Here's a summary of the steps I recommend taking:
and int_col_2
and int_col_2
.1 Create summing measures for int_col_1
and int_col_2
sumCol1 = SUM(my_detail_data[int_col_1])
sumCol2 = SUM(my_detail_data[int_col_2])
2 Create ranking measures for int_col_1
and int_col_2
col1Rank =
VAR rankVal =
RETURN IF([sumCol1] <> 0, rankVal, BLANK())
col2Rank =
COUNTROWS ( ALL ( my_detail_data ) )
Make sure both are Decimal number
format with 2 decimal places
3 Create an overall ranking measure.
FinalRank =
VAR rankVal = RANKX (
[col1Rank] + [col2Rank],
RETURN IF([sumCol1] <> 0, rankVal, 9999)
4 Add overall ranking to table and filter the table by top 5 from overall ranking measure AND overall ranking is not blank.
5 Test by selecting slicers and seeing how the table adjusts.
Original table on left and ranked table on the right
Mock data used for this answer:
text_col_to_group_1 | text_col_to_group_2 | flag_a_4_member | flag_b_4_line | int_col_1 | int_col_2 |
GroupA | Type1 | Y | Y | 100 | 200 |
GroupA | Type2 | Y | N | 150 | 100 |
GroupB | Type1 | N | Y | 120 | 80 |
GroupB | Type2 | Y | Y | 200 | 50 |
GroupC | Type1 | Y | Y | 90 | 30 |
GroupC | Type2 | N | N | 50 | 60 |
GroupD | Type1 | Y | Y | 180 | 110 |
GroupD | Type2 | N | Y | 140 | 90 |
GroupE | Type1 | Y | Y | 170 | 220 |
GroupE | Type2 | Y | N | 60 | 70 |
GroupA | Type1 | Y | Y | 300 | 500 |
GroupA | Type2 | Y | N | 250 | 150 |
GroupB | Type1 | N | Y | 320 | 180 |
GroupB | Type2 | Y | Y | 400 | 250 |
GroupC | Type1 | Y | Y | 190 | 130 |
GroupC | Type2 | N | N | 150 | 160 |
GroupD | Type1 | Y | Y | 280 | 210 |
GroupD | Type2 | N | Y | 240 | 190 |
GroupE | Type1 | Y | Y | 370 | 320 |
GroupE | Type2 | Y | N | 160 | 170 |
GroupF | Type1 | Y | N | 0 | 0 |
GroupF | Type2 | N | N | 0 | 0 |
GroupG | Type1 | N | N | 0 | 1 |
GroupH | Type2 | N | N | 1 | 0 |