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how to add genromfs package to my yocto project

I want to add the genromfs tool to my Yocto project, but I cannot find it on

I checked the following link:

OpenEmbedded Layer Index

Could you please guide me on how to proceed with this modification?


  • In case there is no available recipe, you can create one:

    • Clone the code: git clone

    • Use yocto recipetool (genromfs is the directory the cloned code is): recipetool create -o genromfs


    # Recipe created by recipetool
    # This is the basis of a recipe and may need further editing in order to be fully functional.
    # (Feel free to remove these comments when editing.)
    # WARNING: the following LICENSE and LIC_FILES_CHKSUM values are best guesses - it is
    # your responsibility to verify that the values are complete and correct.
    # The following license files were not able to be identified and are
    # represented as "Unknown" below, you will need to check them yourself:
    #   COPYING
    LICENSE = "Unknown"
    LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=0c56db0143f4f80c369ee3af7425af6e"
    SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=https;branch=master"
    # Modify these as desired
    PV = "1.0+git${SRCPV}"
    SRCREV = "e4225b49a7be0ae9d39e98f2175dd674c0d6b1ea"
    S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
    # NOTE: this is a Makefile-only piece of software, so we cannot generate much of the
    # recipe automatically - you will need to examine the Makefile yourself and ensure
    # that the appropriate arguments are passed in.
    do_configure () {
            # Specify any needed configure commands here
    do_compile () {
            # You will almost certainly need to add additional arguments here
    do_install () {
            # This is a guess; additional arguments may be required
            oe_runmake install