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How do I make a Menubar Application with a NSPopover?

I have seen a lot of applications with a Menubar Item or applications with only a Menubar interface.

There are some tutorials and stuff on the internet showing you how to accomplish that. But the thing is, those do only have clickable index rows in them.

I would want to have a NSPopover appear when you click the Menubar Icon / Item. Anybody who knows how to make this?


  • I don't know if it can be done with a standard status bar item. Using a custom view for the menulet it's relatively easy.

    Create a status bar item with a custom view:

    item = [[NSStatusBar systemStatusBar] statusItemWithLength:thickness];
    view = [[CustomView alloc] initWithFrame:(NSRect){.size={thickness, thickness}}];
    [item setView:view];        

    Your custom view needs to detect mouse clicks:

    - (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)event {

    And finally, at some point after detecting the mouse click, show/hide the popover.

    if (/* menulet is active */) {
        [popover showRelativeToRect:/* menulet view frame */
                             ofView:/* menulet view */
    } else {
        [popover performClose:nil];

    You need a bit of NSWindow swizzling to get text fields working inside the popover.

    I've prepared a minimal Xcode project with these ideas and some glue: PopoverMenulet.