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Unable to compile 2 clients with Chillicream's StrawberryShake

I use StrawberryShake 13.9 in ASP.NET Core 8 / C# and want to consume 2 graphql API from 2 different services which I created with Chillicream's excellent HotChocolate workflow.

At client side I have 2 different folders with different *.graphq files and each folder an own '.graphqlrc.json' file.

To receive the schemas from APIs I do calls like dotnet graphql init [...] . This works well, twice schema.graphql and schema.extensions.graphql are generated in their separate folders.

WHEN I compile it generates both clients ClientX.cs and ClientsY.cs with lots of errors. Compiler complains about double definitions and ambiguities in the clients " like: DbClientX.Client.cs(2089, 26): [CS8646] "IStringOperationFilterInputInfo.IsAndSet" ist mehrfach explizit implementiert. or missing implementations like: DbClientX.Client.cs(1283, 52): [CS0535] "IntOperationFilterInput" implementiert den Schnittstellenmember "IIntOperationFilterInputInfo.IsNltSet" nicht.

The behavior does not happen, if queries don't use filtering + sorting.

Another idea was to bring it to different namespaces but in '.graphqlrc.json' the namespace line "namespace": "Some.Space.ServiceX", does not bring anything at all, the tools absolutely ignore this line (or I didn't understand the meaning of it).

Is someone who is able to use 2 services (queries with filtering, sorting etc.) in one client-app with Chillicream's tools?


Most of all attempts were to modify the graphql-config file, but no results.


  • In order to generate multiple GraphQL clients in the same project using Strawberry Shake, you will need to do the following:

    1. Create a separate directory for each GQL service
    2. Generate the client for each service in their respective directories (with unique names)
    3. Update the .graphqlrc.json file for each service, and add a unique namespace for each client


    Assume you want to call two GraphQL services, WidgetService and SprocketService.

    > mkdir ./WidgetService
    > cd WidgetService
    > dotnet graphql init https://widgets/graphql -n WidgetClient -p ./
    > cd ../
    > mkdir ./SprocketService
    > cd SprocketService
    > dotnet graphql init https://sprockets/graphql -n SprocketClient -p ./

    Edit ./WidgetService/.graphqlrc.json

      "schema": "schema.graphql",
      "documents": "**/*.graphql",
      "extensions": {
        "strawberryShake": {
          "name": "WidgetClient",
          "namespace": "Widgets",                    <-- add this line
          "url": "https://widgets/graphql",
          "records": {
            "inputs": false,
            "entities": false
          "transportProfiles": [
              "default": "Http",
              "subscription": "WebSocket"

    Edit ./SprocketService/.graphqlrc.json

      "schema": "schema.graphql",
      "documents": "**/*.graphql",
      "extensions": {
        "strawberryShake": {
          "name": "SprocketClient",
          "namespace": "Sprockets",                    <-- add this line
          "url": "https://sprockets/graphql",
          "records": {
            "inputs": false,
            "entities": false
          "transportProfiles": [
              "default": "Http",
              "subscription": "WebSocket"