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Cupy with dynamically allocated shared memory

Consider the following CUDA kernel that is used in python via CUPY from this link

add_kernel = cp.RawKernel(r'''
extern "C" __global__
void my_add(const float* x1, const float* x2, float* y) {
    extern __shared__ int sharedValues[];
    int tid = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    y[tid] = x1[tid] + x2[tid];
''', 'my_add')
x1 = cp.arange(25, dtype=cp.float32).reshape(5, 5)
x2 = cp.arange(25, dtype=cp.float32).reshape(5, 5)

n = 1
shared_memory_size = n*64; #*sizeof(int)

# Output Results
y = cp.zeros((5, 5), dtype=cp.float32)

add_kernel((512,), (1024,), (x1, x2, y))  # grid, block and arguments

I would like to assign the shared memory in a (cupy raw) CUDA kernel but I don't know how to give the parameter shared_memory_size to the add_kernel. Example taken from Shared Memory CUDA


When I try to call it with an additional parameter, I get an error

add_kernel((512,), (1024,), (shared_memory_size,), (x1, x2, y))  # grid, block and arguments

When I try to set the attribute

assign_importance_into_dense_array_kernel_int32.shared_size_bytes = shared_memory_size;

I get the error

AttributeError: attribute 'shared_size_bytes' of 'cupy._core.raw.RawKernel' objects is not writable

There is also the parameter


but does that change the dynamic size?


  • As @Robert said, you specify the dynamic shared memory in the cp.RawKernel.__call__ method. As per the documentation

    __call__(self, grid, block, args, *, shared_mem=0)

    The last named parameter can be set to n*sizeof(int), and you'll be good to go.

    shared_memory_size = n * sizeof(int)
    add_kernel((512,), (1024,), (x1, x2, y), shared_mem = shared_memory_size)