I’m working on a Discord bot using the discord.py
library and encountered an issue where the printed console output is correct, but the output in the Discord embed is not displaying as expected - the String width is not correct.
Here is the relevant part of my code:
if in_database:
days: list[str] = await translate_m(interaction.guild_id, searched_strings)
for row in in_database:
day: str = f"- **{days[row[0] - 1]}**:".ljust(50, ' ')
work_hours += day + f"`{row[1]}`\n"
translations[2] = translations[2].replace("[work_hours]", work_hours)
embed: Embed = Embed(description="\n".join(translations[:-1]), color=0xEA2027)
await channel.send(embed=embed)
The incorrectly formatted discord embed:
So my question is, how can I fix that? I heard about using a Codebox in discord to use it, but I'm not a fan of the idea to put all content here inside a Codebox - it's just ugly.
Based on this question, you could format the opening hours in a table-like style using Embed Fields:
day_values = []
hour_values = []
if in_database:
days: list[str] = await translate_m(interaction.guild_id, searched_strings)
for row in in_database:
day_values.append(f"**{days[row[0] - 1]}**")
# I don't know what other stuff you have in `translations` and whether it makes sense
# (from a readability perspective) to simply omit the opening hours in the description
# but add it as fields
embed: Embed = Embed(description="\n".join(translations[:-1]), color=0xEA2027)
embed.add_field(name="Day", value="\n".join(day_values), inline=True)
embed.add_field(name="Time", value="\n".join(hour_values), inline=True)
await channel.send(embed=embed)