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Rendering issue with ttk.TreeView

I'm trying to use the ttk treeview widget. I'm able to create and populate it, and it seems to work properly. However it is rendering with a large empty "column" on the left side and I can't figure out what is causing it. I've verified that column(0) is the first column I defined so don't know where this is coming from. Code to create the treeview:

cols = ("EIR", "Env", "Name", "Function", "IP", "Model")
col_widths = (75, 50, 120, 150, 100, 150) = tv = ttk.Treeview(self, columns=cols)
for col, col_w in zip(cols, col_widths):
  tv.column(column=col, width=col_w, anchor=tk.W)
  tv.heading(column=col, text=col, anchor=tk.W)

Rendered treeview: Treeview with empty column on left


  • Try adding = tv = ttk.Treeview(self, columns=cols)["show"] = "headings"  # <- Added line